Search Results for: iran

Who Is Avi Berkowitz, the newest Middle East Peace team member?

The new addition to the Middle East Peace team, Avi Berkowitz, joins an exclusive club: all-male, Orthodox-raised, Israel-benefactors from New York. He was raised in a Greater Israel environment, and has the seal of approval of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Israel Launches Unprovoked Attacks: Uses Its Firepower, Far And Wide

Former top Pentagon official Paul Pilar reports that Israel has been launching unprovoked attacks using its military might within Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran despite ceasefire agreements. This heightened military aggressiveness has multiple extremely serious consequences, including damage to the United States…

House of Reps to sneak through billions to Israel, oppose BDS, etc

The House is expected to fast track three measures on behalf of Israel tomorrow: laws to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion and to sanction groups that support the Palestinian resistance, and a resolution expressing opposition to the global boycott of Israel (BDS)… Contains a link to contact Congress about the legislation…