The Israel lobby has a tight grip on even the most prestigious American news outlets, and will continue to, as long as journalists and politicians refuse to speak the truth openly.
Search Results for: east jerusalem
WAFA: UNRWA report: Gaza suffers humanitarian crisis
Food shortages from the ten-year-old siege force Gaza residents to rely on aid from WAFA, Palestinian News and Info Agency JERUSALEM, July 24, 2017 (WAFA) – The Gaza Strip is suffering from a humanitarian crisis, epitomized by cyclic violence and destruction, the chronic fuel and water crises and the glaring absence of any sustainable socio-economic…
State Department finds Israel a ‘driver of violence’ – Israel partisans furious, demand Tillerson resign
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is under attack for a recent State Department report. While the report is extremely Israel-centric, Israel partisans call it ‘antisemitic and biased’ for two sentences near the end. Israelists have long opposed Tillerson…
FAIR: Attacks in Israel make headlines while Gaza’s humanitarian crisis ignored
Israeli officials have cut off electricity to almost 2 million Gazans for all but three or four hours a day, and the U.N. issued a report warning of a “looming humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza, but you wouldn’t know it from reading U.S. news.
Israel’s newest tourist attraction: family fantasy camps teach how to kill (coming soon to the US)
Israeli companies offer tourist training camps in which families, even with small children, practice shooting live ammunition at targets resembling Palestinians. Such courses are also being offered in the US.
Tikun Olam: IDF Reveals (Partially) Existence of Secret Nuclear Base Exposed Here Six Years Ago
Richard Silverstein reports that an ordinary Israeli wouldn’t have learned the name of the base until today. Even then, they wouldn’t know that Sdot Micha was Israel’s nuclear base, since that information was censored from the Haaretz report…
Israel is not as Christian-friendly as you think
The recent conviction of an Israeli settler for an arson attack on the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes is a reminder that Jewish extremism toward Christians and their holy sites is a problem as old as the state of Israel itself.
North Carolina 22nd state to pass anti-BDS legislation promoted by Israel lobby groups
Legislation against companies boycotting Israel is being enacted in state legislatures, cities, and at the national level. The American Jewish Committee and other Israel advocacy groups tout their successes, including getting all 50 governors to sign an anti-BDS statement.
Diverse groups push for ‘Anti-Semitism Envoy’ who monitors criticism of Israel
A former Antisemitism Envoy adopted a new, Israel-centric definition for antisemitism, and then used it to train U.S. diplomats. The envoy position has proved a revolving door to Israel lobbying organizations (see video). Now groups from the ADL to the Southern Poverty Law Center are disturbed that Trump isn’t filling the position.
Ha’aretz: U.S. Rabbis Get Close-up Look at Occupation in the West Bank – Not a Pretty Sight
A dozen American rabbis visit Hebron and see for themselves the result of a settlement inside a Palestinian town. They find the experience “eye-opening and heart-wrenching.” Their trip coincides with one of the worst crises ever in relations between Israel and the U.S. Jewish community.