Background on President Trump’s announcement regarding Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The issue has its roots in history and in the hearts of billions of adherents of the world’s three most populous religions. Billionaire Israel partisan Sheldon Adelson pushed for Trump’s move…
Search Results for: christian
The Real Story of How Israel Was Created (It wasn’t the UN)
Israel and its partisans have been celebrating Nov. 29 as the 70th anniversary of the UN partition vote that some people believe created Israel. In reality, this vote was obtained through bribes and threats, was opposed by the U.S. State Department, and has no force of law…
Israel partisans pressure candidates in Georgia governor’s race
Israel partisans are prominent in the campaign for governor of Georgia, pressuring and enticing candidates to support Israel…
McCollum introduces legislation to promote human rights for Palestinian children
H.R. 4391, the Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act, calls for the prevention of US tax dollars from supporting Israel’s ongoing detention and mistreatment of Palestinian children.
The Balfour Declaration: World Zionism and World War I
Only a relatively few historians acknowledge just how close Britain came to losing the First World War. Zionists gave a hand behind the scenes in exchange for help in creating a state.
Congress weighs a new Israel-centric definition for anti-Semitism
JTA and the Forward report on a Congressional Judiciary Committee hearing about adopting a new, Israel-centric definition of antisemitism. (This is part of an international campaign on behalf of Israel). Five witnesses were for it, four against…
Los Angeles gala raises $53.8 Million for Israeli soldiers [videos]
Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces, a US nonprofit that supports Israeli soldiers, holds fundraisers all over the country. Donations to it are tax-deductible in the U.S, even though it doesn’t support the U.S. or American veterans, many of whom are financially stressed. The recent gala in Los Angeles, studded with business titans and movie stars, raised over $50 million for Israeli troops, despite the IDF’s record of human rights abuses…
The Two Elie Wiesels
Elie Wiesel became a spokesman for the world’s voiceless oppressed. But when it came to Palestinians, he had nothing to say.
Netanyahu & Israel lobby lead Trump to war with Iran on behalf of Israel
Netanyahu and the Israel lobbyists are leading Trump (over the advice of his generals) into a war with Iran – they are manufacturing Holocaust-level predictions that a non-nuclear Iran is preparing to ‘vaporize’ Israel, the most powerful, nuclear-armed state in the Middle East. See 10 examples of Israeli-authored policies, and 10 reasons why U.S. military officers support the Iran deal…
Trader Joe’s promotes Israeli snack & ‘fights hunger’ in New England, while Gaza’s children suffer
In violation of the international boycott of Israel over its human rights abuses, which have caused stunting of Gazan children, Trader Joe’s is promoting Bamba, an Israeli-made snack. Meanwhile, the company is part of a project against hunger in New England. The Osem Group, which produces Bamba, includes Nestlé, which is being boycotted for practices that cause infant malnutrition….