Search Results for: child

Will pro-Israel rabbi heading top theology center change its direction?

Rabbi Daniel Lehmann, with a history of advocating for Israel despite its many human rights abuses, is about to be inaugurated president of the ‘most comprehensive center for the graduate study of religion in North America’ – a ‘mostly-Christian’ center with a focus on peace and justice. Lehmann has already opposed a prominent Muslim professor and aired misgivings about America’s first Muslim college, located right across the street… Rabbi Lehmann is known for his fundraising ability.

Netanyahu’s Facebook page suspended over hate speech

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu got suspended from Facebook this week after a long string of racist statements. Critics have accused the premiere of race-baiting ahead of the hotly contested elections, which are set to be held on September 17th. On Friday, Netanyahu made comments insinuating that his government could launch an offensive on the besieged Gaza Strip “at any moment.”

Another week of Israeli violence: confiscation, abduction, killing, destruction

Second week of September 2019: Israeli violence includes confiscating a piece of private Palestinian land the size of Ellis Island; killing, injuring, abducting, and bombing children and adults – all by the “most moral army in the world.”

Saleh Hamad

September 9, 2019: Saleh Hamad, 22, drowned to death in Bosnia-Herzegovina, after he tried to immigrate to Europe to escape the dire conditions in the besieged Gaza Strip. The family of Saleh Hamad, 22, from Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, said it was officially informed that its son drowned to…

Israeli forces kill, injure, abduct Palestinians, destroy homes & farmland

During the first week of September 2019 Israeli forces in the Palestinian Occupied Territories killed Palestinian children, destroyed Palestinian property, razed farmland, stormed a Palestinian village, and assaulted, detained, and abducted Palestinians… In other words: it was pretty much like every other week. Read the details:

#IStandWithAlisonWeir is trending as the Twittersphere supports justice and free speech

With over 1 million impressions as of Sunday evening, it’s clear that Twitter users are not buying the smear campaign peddled by ADL and other international orgs bent on silencing pro-Palestinian, pro-justice voices, like Alison Weir.

Ali Sami Ashqar

September 6th, 2019: Ali Sami Ashqar, 17, was killed by Israeli soldiers on Friday when the army attacked the weekly Great Return March processions along the eastern parts of the besieged Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that Israeli soldiers killed, Friday, two children and injured 81 civilians, including 38 children, one journalist…

In Israel, religious extremism is pervasive, unchecked

In Israel, religious extremism has gone unchecked in the educational establishment, in top levels of government, and among prominent religious leaders – radicalizing a growing number of Israeli youth and endangering Palestinians.