The Hill published a column in favor of ending $300 million in US aid to Palestinians, based on the murder of an American by a Palestinian man unaffiliated with any Palestinian organization. In response, Geoff ONeill submitted a column that suggested suspending $3.8 billion to Israel, based on the Israeli military’s killing of 34 American servicemen. The Hill would not publish that column – but then published a second column by another Israel partisan praising the TFA…
Search Results for: aipac
Video: “U.S. Policies: Made in Israel”
Six-minute video reports on how Israel partisans and dual citizen Israeli Americans work to influence U.S policies and legislation; includes footage from Israeli-American Council events with Senator Chuck Schumer, billionaire Sheldon Adelson, etc. and describes their work against BDS…
Fighting Israel’s Wars: How the U.S. military and government have become Zionized
Philip Giraldi reports that a highly focused and well-funded lobby on behalf of Israel has remarkable access both to the US political class and media. Israel has been uniquely successful at imposing its will over Congress and the White House, as the U.S. has largely become an Israeli puppet…
Shadowy Israeli App Turns Jewish Americans Into Foot Soldiers In Online War
An Israeli organization operating in the U.S. recruits Jewish teens and adults for a propaganda project led by former Israeli intelligence officers. It has close ties to Israel’s intelligence services, its Ministry of Strategic Affairs, is funded by billionaires Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, and sometimes operates out of local Jewish community centers…
Israel partisans pressure candidates in Georgia governor’s race
Israel partisans are prominent in the campaign for governor of Georgia, pressuring and enticing candidates to support Israel…
Press release: 93 International Jewish Organizations Condemn BDS
A press release from the Israeli-American Cooperative Enterprise reports that 93 Jewish organizations have signed a statement against the international boycott of Israel over its human rights abuses. The statement lists the names of the signatories…
Israeli dual citizens driving US laws against Palestinians, BDS, etc
The Israeli American Council is a ten-year-old organization of dual US-Israeli citizens. Its lobbying arm has been the driving force and partial architect of anti-BDS laws passed in Nevada, California and Texas and is currently advancing similar legislation in Massachusetts. It also helped promote the “Taylor Force Act” and other bills for Israel. Report includes photos and videos….
Netanyahu & Israel lobby lead Trump to war with Iran on behalf of Israel
Netanyahu and the Israel lobbyists are leading Trump (over the advice of his generals) into a war with Iran – they are manufacturing Holocaust-level predictions that a non-nuclear Iran is preparing to ‘vaporize’ Israel, the most powerful, nuclear-armed state in the Middle East. See 10 examples of Israeli-authored policies, and 10 reasons why U.S. military officers support the Iran deal…
Israel-dominated U.S. Congress passes four more anti-Iran bills
The Israel lobby has pushed through more anti-Iran legislation. Iran has long been targeted by Israel because of Iran’s support for Palestinians. This report details the legislation and provides information about those who sponsored it…
Corruption permeates Israel under Netanyahu, goes back decades
Israel is fighting corruption from the highest places in government, right on down to the household help. Read about a handful of the many scandals reaching back decades and involving many previous leaders.