Search Results for: Return March

The beginnings of ethnic cleansing in northern Gaza, as Year Two of the revolution begins – Day 365

On one-year anniversary of Gaza’s prison break: forced population transfer (ethnic cleansing) is underway in Gaza; US wants to pay Israel to be selective in bombing Iran; journalist stalked, killed; calls to end Israel’s attack on healthcare in Lebanon, much more.

How Israel killed hundreds of its own people on October 7

A year’s worth of The Electronic Intifada’s investigative reporting, extensive monitoring and translation of the Hebrew-language Israeli media, and more has revealed that during the 7th offensive, Israel expanded the use of its murderous “Hannibal Directive” – designed to prevent soldiers from being taken alive as prisoners of war – by killing many of its own civilians… In fact, “Hannibal” began less than an hour after the Palestinian offensive began…

Israel has wiped out 902 Palestinian families in Gaza over past year – Day 361

The decimation of Gaza’s families; Nasrallah and ceasefire; massacres, including a journalist and his family; a first: bill to block weapons to Israel; white phosphorus (again); damage to Israel’s military bases; Biden admin makes Israel the victim, encourages attack on Iran; Arab world offers Israel peace; evacuating Americans from Lebanon

Israel tramples everything in its path as White House tries to keep up – Day 359

US thinks it has influence over rogue Israel as it commences ground invasion of Lebanon; record-breaking number of women and children deaths in Gaza; nearly 100% of Gaza in poverty; “a monster has been unleashed”; US sending a ‘few thousand’ troops to Middle East to defend Israel (but not to evacuate Americans); Veterans for Peace demands probe Into Blinken’s enabling of Israel’s genocide; Netanyahu’s sales pitch for chaos in Iran; Israeli settlers promote new properties in Lebanon for sale “to Jews”; more.

Killing continues across Gaza, Lebanon, under staggering number of Israeli bombs – Day 357

News on Nasrallah’s death: weapons used, Israel’s reasoning, “shock and awe” attack, Palestine connection, Iran’s response; the suffering of Gaza’s children; Palestinian prisoner death; Cornell U under fire for action against pro-Palestine student; more.

Israel’s brutal attacks on Gaza, Lebanon, and the truth – Day 351

As the world focuses on Lebanon, Israel’s deadly war on Gaza continues; the truth is a casualty of Israeli aggression, as military forcibly shuts down Al Jazeera office in West Bank; Israel continues to pound Lebanon, amid Biden admin’s hand-wringing; Israel prepares healthcare sector for war casualties, as Gaza never could; South Africa’s president declares “UN Security Council is no longer fit” to do its job; UK Labour Party self-censors on Palestine; Greta Thunberg speaks out; more.

Israel employs terror as Palestine engages in UN diplomacy – Day 347

As Gazans die, Israel launches a second deadly strike across Lebanon; overwhelming majority in UN General Assembly support Palestine’s call for an end to Israel’s illegal occupation; another Palestinian death in Israeli prison, 2 in West Bank; Israel’s pager attack was culmination of years-long scheme; Israeli leader announces “new phase of war” focusing on north, Lebanon; Saudi Arabia vows no normalization with Israel without Palestinian state; more.

Gaza’s book of genocide: 649 pages of victims’ names – Day 345

The first 14 pages of Gaza’s book of the dead contain the names of babies killed before their first birthday; Gaza’s much-needed medical rehab sector is decimated; water apartheid; West Bank deaths; remembering the Sabra and Shatila massacre; US ambassador to UN gives surprising criticism of Israel; mainstreaming Israel’s deadly AI;