Israel finally ends  billion binary options scam – or does it?

Israel just banned the sale of binary options – an industry that has brought in $10 Billion a year for the past ten years through conning millions of people around the world. The new bill came when legislators were worried that the scam was hurting Israel’s image – it was already illegal to sell to Israelis. Some consider the bill too little, too late…

Who wrote the Balfour Declaration and why: The World War I Connection

The Balfour Declaration was the result of a “gentleman’s agreement” in which Zionists promised to bring the U.S. into WWI on the side of Britain if Britain would promise to facilitate their goal of creating a Jewish state. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis played a key, hidden role…

Corruption permeates Israel under Netanyahu, goes back decades

Israel is fighting corruption from the highest places in government, right on down to the household help. Read about a handful of the many scandals reaching back decades and involving many previous leaders.

Israel says it has suspended planned database of all U.S. Jewish students to target for outreach

Israel’s plan to create a database of all U.S. Jewish college students was sidetracked when it became public. The plan was to be run by a project of Israel’s Diaspora Affairs, whose Minister once said that Israel should kill Palestinian prisoners instead of bringing them to trial. The organization partnered with Hillel and Chabad on a previous project.

In America, the Right to Boycott Israel Is Under Threat. This Is Why That’s Cause for Concern

The ACLU has filed suit against a Kansas law against boycotting Israel. Such Laws violate First Amendment guarantee of free speech, as stated by the Supreme Court in 1982. “From the Boston Tea Party to the Montgomery bus boycott to the campaign against apartheid South Africa, political boycotts have been a proud part of this country’s constitutional tradition…”