Hisham Abu Hawash ends his 141-day hunger strike with a deal to release him on March 26. More details will follow when available.
Under Israeli occupation, 2022 is off to a bleak start for Palestinians
Israeli soldiers’ and settlers’ efforts to torment Palestinians continue unabated in the new year: attacks, home demolitions, land expropriation, abductions, invasions, and more impede daily life in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza.
Imprisoned Without Charge or Trial – Free hunger strikers now!
Palestinian prisoner Hisham Abu Hawash has vowed to remain on a hunger strike until he is told what charges Israel has against him. He has reached 140 days and is very ill. Please Please join over 13,000 justice-seekers around the world: sign and share this urgent petition before he dies.
Ghislaine Maxwell Convicted – Israel connection covered up
No attempt was made to determine if Epstein was working on behalf of Israeli intelligence, as claimed in a recent book by a former Israeli case officer, who states that top politicians would be video recorded, then afterwards they would be approached and asked to do favors for Israel – referred to in the trade as a “honey-trap” operation….
The American who betrayed the US for Israel
3-minute video about Jonathan Pollard, a Pentagon analyst who was convicted of giving top secret information to Israel that was extremely damaging to Americans… Israel partisans in the US successfully lobbied for his release, and Israel gave him a hero’s welcome…
Three more Palestinians killed during last days of 2021
2021 has been particularly deadly for Palestinians: Israelis killed at least 282 Palestinians (77 children). 12 Israelis (1 child) were also killed.
2021 was deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014
Instead of holding perpetrators accountable, Israel is criminalizing the work that human rights organizations are doing to protect Palestinian children’s rights.
What Israel is doing against Bethlehem today…
While millions of Americans have been celebrating Christmas, Israeli forces have been attacking men, women, & children in the Bethlehem region, where shepherds are said to have received a profoundly wondrous message: “Peace on earth, goodwill to men”… Defense for Children reports: “Israeli forces targeted Palestinian children with excessive force making 2021 the deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014.” (videos)
A chronicle of Israeli actions against Palestinians in 2021
Israel has outdone itself in 2021 – destroying large swaths of Gaza, shooting to kill Palestinian protesters, endangering Palestinian children, and more. Here is a rundown of the year’s violence, covered by numerous IAK posts – with hopes that together, we can work to bring justice and peace in 2022.
Israel escalates efforts to get US to attack Iran, as it did Iraq
For many years, Israel & its partisans have pushed the US to attack Iran. Recently they’ve used the Afghan exit to promote policies that could escalate into another disastrous, failed war. Some analysts from across the political spectrum have opposed these dangerous efforts, including Wesley Clark on Democracy Now, CounterPunch writers, Tucker Carlson, & Patrick Buchanan (videos)…