Israel continues the complete isolation of 16 Palestinian villages, closing roads, enforcing curfew, imprisoning villages in their homes, and causing the closure of fifty schools.
Army abducts 13 Palestinians, confiscates 2 cars, impedes farmers and government workers
Israeli soldiers entered at least 9 West Bank towns in one night, abducting 13 Palestinians, and impeding travel for farmers and government workers.
Yes, the Israel Lobby drives U.S. policies
Longtime Mideast analyst Jeffrey Blankfort describes 40+ years of Israel lobby influence and how it was able to override policies desired by US presidents of both parties…
Israel To Commit War Crime Against West Bank Villagers
The impending destruction of Palestinian village Khan al-Ahmar is forcible transfer of protected persons, and forcible transfer is a war crime.
Israel Arrests Palestinian for Facebook posts
Israeli forces arrested a young Palestinian man from occupied Jerusalem for posts on Facebook. In recent months, Israel has arrested hundreds of Palestinians for social media activity…
Will Israel Become a UN Security Council Member?
Israel has desperately sought to be legitimized by the UN, while it has done its utmost to de-legitimize the UN. Now it wants a Security Council seat.
Two Meals and Two Fields: At The Intersection of Hunger and Labor
Thanks to war, poverty, and the blockade, the only things abundant in Gaza are food scarcity and childhood hunger.
The Crazy Imbalance of Russia-gate: What about Israel?
Robert Parry deconstructs the latest Russia-gate propaganda and examines the foreign nation that most influences U.S. elections & pushes us into wars: Israel, with the help of its American agents…
How Israel is disabling Palestinian teenagers
An Israeli army commander has been threatening to intentionally disable Palestinians in Dheisheh Refugee Camp: “I will make half of you disabled and let the other half push the wheelchairs.” It’s already happening.
German government supports new Israel-centric definition of antisemitism
Angela Merkel and her ministers are the latest to endorse a new definition of antisemitism that focuses on Israel. This is the result of an ongoing international campaign to change the meaning of the word on behalf of Israel and to impede efforts on behalf of Palestinian human rights…