Israeli forces murder Palestinians & Americans with impunity; David Brog runs for Congress in order to advance Israeli interests; Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff cover for Israel; US lied about Soleimani…
Category: USS Liberty
For more information on the USS Liberty, please see
Tell Congress: Support USS Liberty Veterans
As we remember and honor American veterans, please speak out in support of the USS Liberty veterans who survived Israel’s attempt to sink their ship with all men aboard. These veterans are still waiting for justice.
Betrayal of a Great Man by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society
Someone at the Congressional Medal of Honor Society has chosen to perpetrate a cover-up about Israel’s attack on a U.S. Navy ship, thereby dishonoring a heroic recipient of the Medal of Honor and causing a stain on the Society…
The Magic of Israel: Censorship, Now you see it, now you don’t
Philip Giraldi reports on Israel and its US lobby, covering up alleged extortion of Congressman Max Gaetz’ father, censoring textbooks, Israeli attack on US Navy ship, pardons of Israeli spies…
Congressional Research Service: No Cong. investigation of USS Liberty
Over 20 years ago the the Congressional Research Service said that the US had never conducted an investigation of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty (despite claims to the opposite by Israel partisans). Now the CRS conclusion is official…
Live program with USS Liberty survivors & families
A live program on August 20, 2020 honoring the survivors and families of the USS Liberty, attacked by Israel.
Israel tried to sink a US Navy ship, Media covered it up
On this day 53 years ago, Israeli forces attacked the USS Liberty, killing 34 American servicemen and injuring at least 174. This is one of the most decorated crews in US history, yet the media have buried and misrepresented the attack, and the crew is still awaiting justice. (Includes documentaries)
Israel’s War Crimes Have Killed Americans
Philip Giraldi: The tale of the Liberty demonstrates that even fifty-three years ago the United States government was betraying its own people out of deference to Jewish power and to the state of Israel.
The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans: The Facts
The U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day, approximately $7,000 per minute. On average, the US has given Israelis over 7,000 times more than to others around the world. On top of this, the US gives Egypt and Jordan large aid packages on behalf of Israel. And there is more… This is largely due to the Israel lobby, and continues even though most Americans feel we give Israel too much money, and despite the fact that Israel is not an ally, has spied on the U.S, stolen American technology, and tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship. (Contains videos)
WATCH: IAK video on Peace Plan “Deal of the Century” – history & context
A 5-minute video on what the new Israel-Palestine “peace plan” is all about… the history, current context, and who was behind the Trump administration’s proposed “deal of the century”…