Gaza on ‘brink of full-blown collapse’; Israeli troops strip, kidnap dozens of Gazan civilians; State Dept. officials fear Netanyahu will drag US into wider war; network of wealthy investors, tech executives, & Israeli officials work to promote Israel in US…
Category: Biden policies
“All we do is count bodies” – Day 61
Worsening humanitarian disaster, bombing of northern Gaza approaching scale of WWII, Israel bombs 800-year-old mosque, UN chief hits “panic button,” more guns in Israeli civilian hands, West Bank struggles, US fails to acknowledge Israel’s baby abandonment a “war crime”, another exposé on Israel’s atrocity claims
“Distribution of aid is almost impossible” – Day 60
Israeli attacks in Gaza, Palestinian prisoners & West Bank news, Friends School students sing, former top Pentagon & State Dept officials speak out, Israeli incitement march planned, former hostages call out Israel, US leaders out of touch with Americans…
Israel’s strategy is “cold and calculated, and lacks any sense of decency” – Day 60
Health, safety, and humanitarian updates for Gaza; Israel vows attacks in south will be worse than north, considers flooding tunnels; West Bank, Jerusalem, and Israel news; US government continues to support Israel, and more
Gaza’s hospitals are “flooded with dead bodies” – Day 59
Bombing and death ongoing, babies abandoned to die by Israel possible crime against humanity, evacuation horrors, West Bank violence against Palestinians, US leaders continue pro-Israel rhetoric, Netanyahu corruption trial and his boast of manipulating the US, updated casualty figures
Israeli military killed 700+ Palestinians in 24 hours – Day 58
Latest Israeli attacks in Gaza, Catholic Church bombed, humanitarian update, escalating Israeli violence in West Bank, Vermont shooting update, rhetoric from the White House, 250 US financial executives signed a letter in support of Israel, and more
Gaza is “the most dangerous place in the world to be a child” – Day 57
Humanitarian update, evacuation news, Israel kills major scientist, West Bank news, Biden, CNN accused, $18 billion to Israel negotiations, latest statistics, and more
November 22: Today’s news on Palestine & Israel – Day 47
Pause and prisoner exchange, humanitarian, hospital, & West Bank updates, Pope says not a war, but “terrorism,” US statements
Israel has lost control of the narrative – October 7 truths coming out
Israel’s packaging of Hamas as barbaric butchers is losing momentum. An honest look at eyewitness reports, photos, and videos makes it clear that Israeli soldiers did some of the killing that day – and Netanyahu has been trying to keep that fact under wraps.
Phones ringing off the hooks for a ceasefire, but Congress members aren’t listening
Staffers are saying, “I’ve never seen such a disconnect between where voters and constituents are and where Congress is, and that’s saying something because there’s always a disconnect,” and “This is the most I’ve ever seen people unified behind an issue and actively calling.”