The ADL has just changed its definition of racism following backlash over recent remarks by Whoopi Goldberg about racism and the Holocaust. This isn’t the first time the ADL has changed a definition for a political purpose…And it’s not the first time Whoopi has come under fire by Israel partisans – in 2012 she was attacked for a tweet about Gaza…
WATCH: State Dept’s Ned Price on Israeli apartheid & killing of 80-year-old
During a State Department briefing, reporters pressed spokesman Ned Price on the recent report by Amnesty International that Israel is perpetrating apartheid, and also asked him about the recent death of an 80-year-old American at the hands of Israeli soldiers. When Price said the US rejects Amnesty’s report, reporter Matt Lee pointed out that the State Dept uses Amnesty reports on numerous other nations. Read the facts here…
The Israel Factor in Neocons’ Anti-Russia Warmongering over Ukraine
The anti-Russia Ukraine crisis was originally stirred up by neocons furious that Russia was preventing ‘two top Israeli priorities: US military strikes on Syria & Iran”… Now their efforts are continuing. Key players are Victoria Nuland and the rest of the Kagan family…
WATCH: 2-minute video on the 78 Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2021, and the 1 Israeli child killed by Palestinians
View this short video. Then use this form to tell your Congress members, who’ve voted to give Israel billions of our tax dollars, to watch. They’re obligated to learn how Israel uses our money.
Jewish groups demand another billion dollars to Israel
We, the undersigned 12 national Jewish organizations ask you to take firm action in support of Israel’s security…. This legislation would provide $1 billion (on top of the over $3.8 billion Israel already gets)…
Israeli soldiers assault, kill 80-yr-old Palestinian man
Israeli soldiers invade Palestinian village at midnight; cuff, blindfold, assault 80 year old Omar Abul-Majid As’ad; then leave his dead body on the ground and leave…
Ghislaine Maxwell Convicted – Israel connection covered up
No attempt was made to determine if Epstein was working on behalf of Israeli intelligence, as claimed in a recent book by a former Israeli case officer, who states that top politicians would be video recorded, then afterwards they would be approached and asked to do favors for Israel – referred to in the trade as a “honey-trap” operation….
The American who betrayed the US for Israel
3-minute video about Jonathan Pollard, a Pentagon analyst who was convicted of giving top secret information to Israel that was extremely damaging to Americans… Israel partisans in the US successfully lobbied for his release, and Israel gave him a hero’s welcome…
What Israel is doing against Bethlehem today…
While millions of Americans have been celebrating Christmas, Israeli forces have been attacking men, women, & children in the Bethlehem region, where shepherds are said to have received a profoundly wondrous message: “Peace on earth, goodwill to men”… Defense for Children reports: “Israeli forces targeted Palestinian children with excessive force making 2021 the deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014.” (videos)
Israel escalates efforts to get US to attack Iran, as it did Iraq
For many years, Israel & its partisans have pushed the US to attack Iran. Recently they’ve used the Afghan exit to promote policies that could escalate into another disastrous, failed war. Some analysts from across the political spectrum have opposed these dangerous efforts, including Wesley Clark on Democracy Now, CounterPunch writers, Tucker Carlson, & Patrick Buchanan (videos)…