Israel has sentenced Ahed Tamimi’s older brother Waed to 14 months in prison for allegedly throwing stones – just the latest Tamimi family member to be imprisoned, maimed, or killed by Israel.
Search Results for: tamimi
Analysis: Ahed Tamimi and Her Family: Israel’s Ongoing PR Disaster
August 28, 2015: Palestinian women and youth scuffle with an Israeli soldier in the West Bank. Tamimi is seen on the left. Credit: AP By trying to make an example out of Ahed Tamimi’s arrest, Israel helped transform her into an anti-occupation poster child by Allison Kaplan Sommer, Ha’aretz Over the past eight months, anti-Israel protests…
Palestinian icon Ahed al-Tamimi tastes freedom
Ahed Tamimi slapped an IDF soldier in Dec 2017, was arrested & pled guilty to 1 count of assault in a plea bargain, & is free after 8 months in prison.
Let’s talk about Mohammad Tamimi’s 2nd detention
Mohammad Tamimi, 15-yr-old cousin of Ahed Tamimi, wants to live his life (with 1/3 of his skull missing). Israeli forces shot him in the head; now apparently they want him behind bars.
Israeli Lawmaker: Palestinian Teen Tamimi ‘Should Have Gotten a Bullet, at Least in the Knee’
Deputy Knesset Speaker Bezalel Smotrich tweeted that Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi “should have gotten a bullet at least in the kneecap,” drawing an angry response from feminist Jewish MK Michel Rozin. Tamimi is serving 8 months for slapping a soldier, after soldiers had shot her cousin in the face.
Ahed Tamimi’s lawyer accuses interrogators of sexual harassment
Israeli lawyer Gaby Lasky, who is defending Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi, has accused Israeli investigators of sexual harassment against the girl.
Watch: Headlines from Palestine report on Ahed Tamimi
The Palestinian Olive Tree and Ahed Tamimi
A Palestinian American reminisces about growing up under occupation, learning to treasure land, home, and family above all else. The olive tree is a sacred part of the land, and it has come to represent the Palestinian struggle for dignity. Ahed Tamimi’s struggle too, is the struggle of all Palestinians.
Ahed Tamimi, the real Wonder Woman? Artist behind historic Che Guevara poster turns his brush to Palestinian teen jailed by Israel
Jim Fitzpatrick, the artist behind the iconic image of Che Guevara, has done it again. The new symbol of resistance and anti-oppression is 17-year-old Palestinian Ahed Tamimi from the occupied West Bank. He hopes to call attention to her plight and wants to see her safe and released from prison.
Ahed Tamimi trial begins. The charge: making IDF look weak, Israel look like a bully
Ahed Tamimi is on trial to show that Israel is tough; but what they don’t want to show is the cruelty of the occupation – especially toward children – and the wild disproportion of punishment to “crime.”