We may never know how Jeffrey Epstein embezzled millions, nearly walked free after a sex crime conviction – or whether he was a spy for Israel.
Tags: Mossad
NeoCon billionaire Paul Singer is sending US tech jobs to Israel
Top US tech companies are filling positions with former members of Israeli military intelligence, as well as operatives from Israeli companies known to have spied on American citizens, companies, and the government. Billionaire American Paul Singer is behind the Netanyahu-inspired movement, which has seen tens of thousands of layoffs in the US as new jobs are created in Israel.
Giraldi: Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?
Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi says the affair has all the hallmarks of a major espionage case, possibly tied to Israel… the filming procedure smacks of a sophisticated intelligence service compiling material to blackmail prominent politicians and other public figures… Prosecutor Acosta said: ‘I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence.’ (Prominent Israel partisan Alan Dershowitz helped Epstein escape major consequences)
New Yorker: ‘Private Mossads for Hire’ use avatars to target pro-Palestine movement
Israeli private intelligence companies Psy-Group, Black Cube, etc specialize in fake online identities known as “avatars,” some work with the neocon group Foundation for Defense of Democracies – the aim is to “destabilize and disrupt anti-Israel movements from within…”
Was There Ever an Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program? Fabricated “proof” came from Israel
The Iran Deal is off in large part, it appears, due to fabricated documents by Israel – read exposés by Gareth Porter and Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Israelis who aided Harvey Weinstein collected info on Obama’s former administration
The New Yorker reports that an Israeli firm ran a covert campaign to discredit Obama officials who’d backed the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Former Obama staff were contacted by undercover agents for Black Cube – the firm that Harvey Weinstein hired, & that offers access to assistance from “Israel’s élite military and governmental intelligence units.”
Is Iran really a nuclear threat?
Investigative journalist Gareth Porter dispels myths about Iran’s alleged nuclear program: Israel has been crying wolf about Iran & nukes since the 1980s (including likely forging documents), while the IAEA has been declaring Tehran’s compliance; the Ayatollah has maintained that WMDs are “unIslamic,” and Iran hasn’t used any (even against Iraq’s WMDs); Iran needs ballistic missiles as a deterrent since it has no air force; and it has never threatened aggression toward Israel.
Another Day, Another Mossad Assassination
Richard Silverstein reports on the assassination of Gazan engineer Fadi al Batsh in Malaysia and notes it resembles that of of Mohammed al Zoary last year. He asks why Israel kills academics and then protests academic boycott. His answer: An Israeli professor “would never see the equivalence between him or herself and a dead Palestinian professor.”
Harvey Weinstein used Israeli spies in effort to silence victims
Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein used former Mossad agents in efforts to silence actresses who accused him of sexual assault. The Electronic Intifada notes “…sexual violence has been a routine part of the methods Israeli intelligence agencies have used against Palestinians.” The UK’s Daily Mail names an Israeli spy used by Weinstein…
Former Mossad agent describes planting claims that critics of Israel are “antisemitic” [Video]
Former Israeli Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky describes how the Mossad uses pro-Israel organizations to plant claims that individuals critical of Israel are “antisemitic.”