Freed Palestinian prisoners recount how Israeli jailers ‘treated them like animals’ and ‘brutally tortured’ some to death.
Tags: Israeli torture
As Freed Palestinians Describe Torture, Trump OKs $3 Billion Arms Package for Israel
Like the Biden administration, Trump is claiming an “emergency” in order to bypass Congress to get approved a new $3 billion weapons package for Israel. [UPDATE: Now $4 billion]
Palestinian Prisoners: Harrowing Reports Of Systemic Torture – 2 articles
Palestinian civilians and healthcare workers recount the horrifying reality and systemic torture going on within Israeli prisons.
Israeli Doctors Must Condemn the Inhumane Treatment of Hospitalized Palestinian Detainees
An Israeli doctor exposes the dehumanization and mistreatment of Palestinian patients, stemming from the belief that medical care is a privilege, not a basic human right – and directly contradicting the Hippocratic Oath.
Shocking testimony: Torture in Israeli prisons, “sexual assaults even using dogs”
Two articles on new testimony of Israel’s use of torture and other horrific forms of abuse against Palestinian prisoners.
Palestinian prisoners endure ‘systematic torture’ before their release, monitor says
The Palestinian Prisoners Society has noted severe forms of torture and abuse by Israeli prison guards. There are currently over 10,400 Palestinians imprisoned, with at least 3,376 detained in administrative detention.
“Death is the only certainty” in Gaza – Day 318
Life hangs by a thread in Gaza, as Israel drops bombs, withholds polio vaccines, tortures Palestinian prisoners; illegal Israeli settlers, Israeli gov’t threaten Palestinians in West Bank, East Jerusalem; in the US: silencing pro-Palestine voices on social media, at DNC convention; Blinken is “selling a bridge to nowhere”; more.
Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center
CNN spoke to Israeli whistleblowers who worked at a desert camp that holds Palestinians detained during Israel’s invasion of Gaza. They describe a facility where doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot…