Archived State Dept & lease documents show US Embassy Plan would violate the private property rights of Palestinian landowners & the internationally established right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and gain restitution of their properties.
Tags: absentee property law
The plight and blight of home demolition in Israel and Palestine
Khan al Ahmar is just the latest example of dispossession & demolition by Israel. Racist laws enable “legal” expulsion of Palestinians from any land the Zionist project needs.
How Israel Weaponizes Archeology
When Israel created itself in 1948—and even before this date—the “Jewish State” worked to take control of archaeology, and thus, of the region’s history. It toiled to erase footprints of the numerous civilizations that had preceded the Jewish presence, as well as the peoples that have come afterward. Kathryn Shihadah gives us the past and present details….