Thanks to war, poverty, and the blockade, the only things abundant in Gaza are food scarcity and childhood hunger.
Search Results for: water
Legal facts on the Gaza electricity crisis
Questions and Answers about Gaza’s electricity crisis and Israel’s responsibility as Occupying Power from Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights
Rand Paul: Unconstitutional Saudi War in Yemen Is Not in Our Interest
Sen. Rand Paul: US participation in Saudi Arabia’s war with Yemen violates the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution; is not in the interests of Americans; is in fact harmful to the interests of Americans.
On the 35th Anniversary of Sabra and Shatila: the forgotten refugees
The people of Sabra & Shatila returned to live in the homes where their families and neighbors were massacred in 1982. Today, the Palestinian refugees are denied work permits in 30 professions and 40 trades outside the camps. Denied by Israel the right of return to their homes, they have no passports and are prohibited from owning and inheriting property.
The Unz Review: The USS Liberty Wins One!
American Legion calls upon the 115th US Congress to publicly, impartially, and thoroughly investigate the attack on the USS Liberty and its aftermath and to commence its investigation before the end of 2017, the 50th anniversary year of the attack.
Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities
The SPLC has reaped a bonanza in donations following Charlottesville, despite the SPLC’s gargantuan budget, questionable financial practices, & sometimes pro-Israel stance. The Washington Free Beacon, CounterPunch, and Mondoweiss reveal little-known information…
How Israel Weaponizes Archeology
When Israel created itself in 1948—and even before this date—the “Jewish State” worked to take control of archaeology, and thus, of the region’s history. It toiled to erase footprints of the numerous civilizations that had preceded the Jewish presence, as well as the peoples that have come afterward. Kathryn Shihadah gives us the past and present details….
American Legion calls for full investigation into Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty
In a historic move, the American Legion passed a resolution at its national convention on Thurs, Aug 24th calling for the first full U.S. government investigation of Israel’s 1967 attack on the USS Liberty.
These ‘social issues’ videos get billions of views – here’s what they’re not telling
Videos by a new media powerhouse are poised to reach over a billion video views monthly. They cover numerous issues of injustice, except one: Palestine…
Israeli kingpins behind ‘monstrous’ international financial scam ‘binary options’
The Times of Israel and others report on the fraudulent binary options industry that generates $5 to $10 billion a year and largely emanates from Israel. For 10 years it scammed hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide out of billions of dollars with little or no intervention from Israeli law enforcement. Israel’s current bill would allow binary options pushers to re-brand their product and continue to defraud customers abroad with impunity. An analyst writes: ‘Israel is so corrupt that these borderline criminals run the country.’