New coalitions of women are shaping the future of activism and gender equality in the Gaza Strip, reclaiming the influential role they played in the First Intifada.
Search Results for: water
How Israel became a hub for surveillance technology
Israel’s cyber sector is the star of its economy; many of its leaders originally trained with Unit 8200, a top Israeli intelligence unit. Palestine is their “testing lab.”
Gaza Palestinians plan for mass protests to end the blockade and occupation; call for supporters around the world to mobilize in solidarity
Gaza Palestinians plan for mass protests to end the blockade and occupation; they call for supporters around the world to mobilize in solidarity on June 5 and June 8.
Ha’aretz reports on Israeli ties to Trump Probe
There are billionaires aplenty with Kremlin ties who funneled political contributions to Donald Trump and top Republican leaders. So many are Israel lobbyists, Netanyahu cronies, and well-connected oligarchs — could it all be just one big coincidence? Read two articles below:
Gaza Freedom Flotilla Boat Boarded & Searched by German Coast Guard
The 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, with peace activists taking humanitarian aid to Gaza, was harassed today by the German Coast Guard. After two successful voyages, flotillas have been blocked in international waters by Israeli forces, once killing 10 of those on board.
‘Sometimes dancing, sometimes furious’: a girl shot dead in Gaza
Poverty & injustice drove 14-year-old Wesal to protest at the Gaza border every Friday. Israeli snipers killed her, but her family has now joined the resistance.
Meet the pro-Trump, pro-Israel PR Guy at the Center of the Mueller Probe — And Everything Else
Public relations mogul Ronn D. Torossian is a friend of nearly everyone who’s anyone in Washington; in this thorough article, Politico calls him ‘perhaps the most prominent practitioner of a brass-knuckled form of public relations.’ While Torossian is in PR by trade, Israel is his first love: many of his clients and acquaintances are serious players in the ascendency of Israel.
The Israel lobby: A List
The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive special interest groups in the U.S. It consists of a multitude of institutions and individuals that work to influence Congress, the president, academia, the media, religious institutions, and American public opinion on behalf of Israel. View the list…
Netanyahu: Don’t look here where we’re shooting children, look over there at Iran
Why is Netanyahu in a panic about Iran’s potential to develop a weapons program? – it’s old news, and all evidence points to Iran’s compliance. But a war would distract the world from Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians as they peacefully demonstrate.
NYT: Why I march in Gaza
“The people in Gaza have been living one tragedy after another.” A young father reflects on the legacy of suffering, the need to find meaning in life and struggle, and the unity that the Great March is inspiring.