Since March 30, 2018 Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip–including families, women, and children–have gathered along the Israeli border to highlight their dispossession in 1948 and protest the growing humanitarian catastrophe. From that time through December 16th, 2019, Israeli forces have killed 364 Gazans and injured over 35,000, including women, children, disabled individuals, medics, and journalists. Many have been shot in the back, nearly all were unarmed and posed no risk to the heavily armed Israeli soldiers. During the same period, Gazan resistance forces killed 9 Israelis.
Search Results for: lobby list
Leahy Law would cut aid to Israel, but no one wants to enforce it
Killing of Palestinians is not new. It has been going on for decades, unabated, uncriticized, and bankrolled by the US. The Leahy Laws enable us to withhold aid to countries that commit human such rights abuses, but in spite of overwhelming proof of abuse by Israel, our politicians refuse to cut off military support.
Five House Democrats issue statement against Israeli military shooting unarmed Gaza protesters
Statement calls on Israeli soldiers to refrain from shooting live ammunition at unarmed Palestinian protesters… calls on Palestinians to exercise their rights nonviolently, says the vast majority are doing so… By Mark Pocan (WI-02), Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Keith Ellison (MN-05), Barbara Lee (CA-13), and Henry C. “Hank” Johnson Jr. (GA-04)
Killing Mosquitoes: The Gaza Massacres, Pro-Israel Media Bias, & the Weapon Of ‘Antisemitism’
Imagine if Russian or Syrian troops had shot dead almost 30 civilians, and injured thousands, during peaceful protests. Mainstream media headlines and airwaves would be filled with condemnations from senior UK and US politicians and prominent commentators. But not so when it is Israel doing the killing, and the BBC & Guardian provide Israel spin…
Easter question: Is this what Christ died for?
The place where Christianity was born is defiled by a brutal military occupation that has turned a beautiful, very special historic region, precious to three religions, into a swamp of racial hatred resulting in unspeakable crimes against the indigenous population… In Britain the usual suspects again tried to destabilize Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and damage his prospects of becoming prime minister by firing another ‘anti-Semitism’ broadside…
As Dems shift left on Palestine, 2020 contender Kamala Harris goes off-the-record with AIPAC
Democratic Senator and 2020 presidential contender Kamala Harris is getting cozy with AIPAC and Netanyahu, letting them know she favors an eternal, strong, bipartisan US-Israel relationship – this in a climate in which Democrats are beginning to care about Palestinian human rights.
How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet
Numerous projects work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. One works out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S…
Israel is trying to ‘suck America into’ Iranian war that could lead to world war — Lawrence Wilkerson
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, speaks about the possible damage to the Middle East and beyond, if Israel gets its way. Israel needs the power of the US to go into attack mode against Iran’s proverbial “existential threat.” Contains a video of his speech.
Wilkerson says ‘Israel’s security’ was motive for Iraq war– though not in NYT op-ed
Retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson had a piece in the New York Times on Monday, in which he discussed the parallels between the runup to the Iraq war and the direction things are going with Iran. He identified the source of pro-war analysis as the Foundation for Defense of Democracies – but stopped short of explaining that this organization is “the neoconservative wing of the Israel lobby.” The next day, in another interview, he was eager to talk about this connection. Does NYT self-censor?
The real objective of Trump’s Israel policy: split the Democratic Party off from its funding base
Donald Trump’s Israel policies may have more to do with outmaneuvering Democrats than they do with any concern for Middle East peace, argues Jonathan Marshall.