In 2007 the IAEA promoted falsehoods about Israel’s bombing of a supposed nuclear reactor in Syria, burying evidence that the site was NOT a reactor. Claims that a sarin gas attack last April was carried out by the Assad regime are similarly dubious. Just as the false “WMD” claims against Iraq were used to destroy Iraq, these claims seem aimed at taking down two more of Israel’s targets: Syria and Iran.
Search Results for: lobby list
Israel’s false claim that it bombed a Syrian “nuke” site was used to get US intervention in Syria
Investigative journalist Gareth Porter reports that in 2007 Israel sold the CIA on a dubious claim about a North Korean nuclear reactor in the Syrian desert. In joining Israel and the White House in selling military intervention in Syria – long a target of Israel – the CIA and international inspectors hid key evidence that would undermine the case…
Israel partisans pressure candidates in Georgia governor’s race
Israel partisans are prominent in the campaign for governor of Georgia, pressuring and enticing candidates to support Israel…
AIPAC is grooming high school students
AIPAC is targeting high school students for a new generation of political activists and Israel advocates
Israel’s behind-the-scenes support for Saudi efforts to destabilize Lebanon
A leaked cable shows Israel is working behind the scenes to support Saudi actions against Lebanon, Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen. An analyst says, “Israel is becoming the unlikely leader of the Sunni world.” Lebanon Prime Minister’s resignation is not what it seems…
Congress weighs a new Israel-centric definition for anti-Semitism
JTA and the Forward report on a Congressional Judiciary Committee hearing about adopting a new, Israel-centric definition of antisemitism. (This is part of an international campaign on behalf of Israel). Five witnesses were for it, four against…
The Two Elie Wiesels
Elie Wiesel became a spokesman for the world’s voiceless oppressed. But when it came to Palestinians, he had nothing to say.
Press release: 93 International Jewish Organizations Condemn BDS
A press release from the Israeli-American Cooperative Enterprise reports that 93 Jewish organizations have signed a statement against the international boycott of Israel over its human rights abuses. The statement lists the names of the signatories…
Israeli dual citizens driving US laws against Palestinians, BDS, etc
The Israeli American Council is a ten-year-old organization of dual US-Israeli citizens. Its lobbying arm has been the driving force and partial architect of anti-BDS laws passed in Nevada, California and Texas and is currently advancing similar legislation in Massachusetts. It also helped promote the “Taylor Force Act” and other bills for Israel. Report includes photos and videos….
Trump taps head of anti-Palestinian group as top civil rights enforcer
Kenneth Marcus, the head of an Israel advocacy group that has for years worked to smear Palestine solidarity activism as anti-Semitism, has been nominated for the top civil rights position at the Department of Education. Once there, he will be in a position to censor information and shut down events on Palestine on US campuses…