Search Results for: iran

Israel dropped over 85,000 tons of bombs on Gaza since start of genocide – Day 396

Palestinians barred from returning to homes in northern Gaza; Israeli strike kills 25 – 13 of them children; Israel orders $5.2B worth of new fighter jets (paid for by US military aid); new criminal probe opened against Netanyahu; new Israeli deportation law targets Palestinians; UN signals: no UNRWA means Israel is on its own; 2 Palestinians killed in West Bank; what Rashida Tlaib’s re-election signifies; more.

Save the Children: “How many times must children in Gaza face mass slaughter? What will it take for world powers to say ‘enough’?” – Day 391

More horrific massacres across Gaza, Lebanon; new Israeli bill seeks to bar Palestinians from running for legislature; US announces new Middle East military deployments; Congress members call out Biden’s deployment of US troops and assets without congressional authorization

Israel’s latest targets include children, hospital patients, journalists – Day 384

Israeli forces storm northern Gaza hospital, assassinate Lebanese journalists; Israeli legislature poised to ban primary humanitarian aid org in Gaza; some US voices try to erase Palestine from discourse; more.

U.S. Media’s Doublespeak: Israelis Live in “Densely Populated Areas,” Palestinians Are “Human Shields”

The Western media’s double standards when it comes to Israel and Palestine are hardly new. The discourse around “human shields” — or the failure to use the term — is an example of hypocrisy pushed to the extreme, by letting Israel deflect the blame for mass civilian deaths.

In northern Gaza, “they live from one hour to the next, fearing death at every second” – 380

Horrific situation only grows worse by the day, as Israeli attacks continue relentlessly in Gaza and Lebanon; US lends Israel a hand while Americans call for accountability; Israeli-American poised to get very rich policing Gaza; more.