Videos from Gaza show Israeli forces shooting a woman slowly walking, a boy running away from the border, a man praying, etc. The Israeli military defends its its actions, tweeting: “everything was accurate and measured; we know where every bullet landed.”
Search Results for: human rights reports updated
Israeli forces kill 6 unarmed marchers and a farmer in Gaza and injure hundreds.
Israeli forces have killed seven unarmed Palestinians in Gaza as thousands march for freedom and to return to their homes. The “Great March of Return” has been organized by by civil society organizations and all political factions in the besieged enclave.
Israel deploys 100 sharpshooters against planned mass Gandhian demonstration by Gaza families
Israeli forces are mobilizing against a mass peaceful protest by Palestinian families in Gaza demonstrating for their right of return to land that Israel has confiscated for Jewish only habitation… Their demands: “to be let out from the cage you have bound them in, to fish without being shot, to return to the village that you have torn down, to travel outside the barbed wire you surround them with… The Israeli cabinet has issued a “shoot to kill” policy.
Associated Press Double Standard in Israel-Palestine Reporting
A study of AP’s 2018 reports on Palestinians and Israelis killed found that AP headlines reported on Israeli deaths at a rate four times greater than on Palestinian deaths, and that articles were almost three times longer. Essential information was often missing; never once, for example, did AP use the term “occupied” or “occupation”…
Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities
The SPLC has reaped a bonanza in donations following Charlottesville, despite the SPLC’s gargantuan budget, questionable financial practices, & sometimes pro-Israel stance. The Washington Free Beacon, CounterPunch, and Mondoweiss reveal little-known information…
Harvard Crimson ad asks if anti-BDS Harvard profs “only care about certain lives”
A full page ad in the Harvard Crimson names 71 Harvard professors who signed a statement condemning potential harm to children done by boycotts, but would not sign a statement against ongoing, direct harm to Palestinian children. The ad, by If Americans Knew, details Israeli actions against children…
International campaign is criminalizing criticism of Israel as ‘antisemitism’
IAK INVESTIGATION: For two decades, some Israeli officials and partisans have worked to embed a new, Israel-focused definition of antisemitism in institutions around the world, from international bodies and national governments to small college campuses in heartland America. This effort is now snowballing rapidly. As a result, advocacy for Palestinian rights is well on the way to being curtailed and even criminalized as “hate.”