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Tillerson, Mattis Warned Trump Against Embassy Move

Trump decided to keep his campaign pledge, despite warnings from Mattis and Tillerson that the move would endanger US diplomats, undermine the peace process, and be condemned in both Arab countries and America’s most important Eurpean allies. Domestically, Trump has little to worry about. Democrats have fawned over Israel for 70 years, the Republicans’ Christian Evangelical base supports the embassy move, and the GOP has been desperate to break into what was once a Democrat-only monopoly on Jewish-American political funding—and Jewish votes…

Israeli forces kill 2 Palestinians, injure 767: US Context and live updates after Trump Jerusalem announcement

Israeli forces killed 2 Palestinian protesters and injured 767… Trump signed waiver to postpone moving embassy, just like previous presidents (see video)…. Original legislation to move US embassy was passed with bipartisan support, including Biden, Kerry, etc… JTA says all major mainstream Jewish groups support Trump announcement, some smaller ones oppose the timing… This post will be UPDATED as events occur…

Three articles with background on Trump’s Jerusalem move & the Adelson connection

Background on President Trump’s announcement regarding Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The issue has its roots in history and in the hearts of billions of adherents of the world’s three most populous religions. Billionaire Israel partisan Sheldon Adelson pushed for Trump’s move…

McCollum introduces legislation to promote human rights for Palestinian children

H.R. 4391, the Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act, calls for the prevention of US tax dollars from supporting Israel’s ongoing detention and mistreatment of Palestinian children. 

Los Angeles gala raises $53.8 Million for Israeli soldiers [videos]

Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces, a US nonprofit that supports Israeli soldiers, holds fundraisers all over the country. Donations to it are tax-deductible in the U.S, even though it doesn’t support the U.S. or American veterans, many of whom are financially stressed. The recent gala in Los Angeles, studded with business titans and movie stars, raised over $50 million for Israeli troops, despite the IDF’s record of human rights abuses…