Commentary by Philip Giraldi on some of the latest Congressional bills on behalf of Israel… Giraldi, like others before him, finds that Congress is Israel occupied territory…
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Netanyahu: Concern for Palestinian Rights Is “Crazy”
During a closed meeting that was inadvertently broadcast to journalists by an open microphone, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the European Union’s approach to Israel, which conditions high levels of trade on human rights for Palestinians, as “crazy.”
Vatican Accuses Israel of Risking Monks’ Lives in Fire
The Church of the Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor has asked Israel repeatedly for basic services, including running water, but has been refused. A wildfire Friday caused significant damage due to this “negligence.”
The effort on behalf of Israel to destroy Iran’s ability to defend itself
Dr. Stephen Sniegoski details the efforts against Iran… U.S. war hawks are targeting Iran because Israel wants them to… Iran is the only regional power impeding Israel’s actions against Palestinians… While Israel has numerous nuclear weapons, Iran is not supposed to acquire them…
Israel-born Treasury official is at the center of U.S. policies on Iran
At the Center of U.S. Iran policies is an Israel-born Treasury official named Sigal Mandelker. The Atlantic writes that Mandelker’s ‘hand is on the lever’ of crippling economic sanctions meant to force Iran’s ‘capitulation or demise’… meanwhile the Treasury Department refuses to divulge whether Mandelker is still an Israeli citizen… Fyi: Iran has long been in Israel’s crosshairs…
Miriam Adelson wishes for the Book of Trump in the Bible
Miriam Adelson, the wealthiest woman in Israel, sings the praises of Donald Trump, even suggesting that he belongs in the Bible. Why is that?
Democratic candidates on Israel/Palestine – a guide
Overwhelmed by the crowd of candidates for President? The issue of justice for Palestinians – in which almost everyone bows to the Israel lobby – is the ultimate litmus test for integrity. Find out where everyone stands. (This guide will be updated often.)
Joe Sestak, early Democratic critic of Israel, announces presidential run
Sestak, a retired Navy admiral and 2-term Democratic Pennsylvania congressman, criticized Israel’s blockade of Gaza. He then ran in a Senatorial primary bid against Arlen Specter, the Israel partisan who had just switched from Republican to Democrat. The Dem establishment, including Obama, backed Specter, but Sestak won the primary. Conservative pro-Israel groups spent millions targeting Sestak, who then narrowly lost the general election to Republican Pat Toomey…
Presidential candidate offers a bold plan for Israel/Palestine
Presidential candidate Mike Gravel says, “The two-state solution is dead. Let us take the obvious and humane path forward,” and he lays out a courageous proposal.
Israel lobby to take frosh Congressional Dems to Israel, some refuse trip
At least 23 out of 59 freshmen Democrats in the House will be traveling on an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel in August. But 14 won’t be attending the Israel lobby funded trip and 2 are checking their schedules. The rest have not divulged their plans to the public. See the list…