Search Results for: child

Israel Forces Child to Travel for Kidney Transplant without Parents

It’s tough enough to be a little girl in renal failure, but then to travel alone in a hostile environment – this is what Israel put young Inaam al-Attar through on her way to get a kidney transplant. After human rights orgs called attention to her plight, her mother was granted a visa to join her very sick daughter.

One of the most dangerous places in the world for children is the occupied Palestinian territories where, in the last year, at least 20 Palestinian children have been killed and over 1,000 others injured by Israeli forces. Gaza’s 1 million children are especially at risk, as food, medicine, and electricity are in short supply, and 97% of drinking water contaminated. The world has Israel to thank for this man-made humanitarian crisis.

Year In Review: Worst Abuses Against Palestinian Children

Defense for Children International – Palestine’s 2017 report: Israeli forces caused 14 child deaths & at least 961 child injuries, used excessive force, there was little to no accountability, an average of over 300 Palestinian children were in the prison system each month, 75% are abused, many face solitary confinement… In the US some positive legislation has been introduced…