Search Results for: associated press

Shireen Abu Akleh’s death exposes Israel for what it is – a murderous regime

A comprehensive report on Shireen Abu Akleh’s murder, and why it played out the way it did. Her story, like that of the Palestinian people, is one of courage in the face of injustice. In mourning her murder, let us acknowledge the facts of Palestinian life – and death.

US mainstream media lets Israel manipulate reports on killing of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

Israel continues its time-honored strategy of manipulating the mainstream U.S. media — this time muddying the coverage of the assassination of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. Since 2000, 50 Palestinian journalists have been killed, and the world doesn’t know the names of any of them.

More Israeli settler violence: Palestinians brutally attacked, then interrogated by police

Dozens of Israeli settlers swooped down in an act of violence on a Palestinian family tending its olive grove – throwing stones and beating them. Three Palestinians were wounded; the eldest remains hospitalized. When the family filed a complaint, they were interrogated for allegedly throwing rocks.

Oligarchs: Russia, Israel, and Media Omissions

Since Russian oligarchs are currently in the news, we’re reposting our 2005 article… Most of the oligarchs had ties to Israel; some were dual citizens. They used cheating, bribery & murder as they exploited the disintegration of the USSR to amass plunder amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. In order to safeguard their businesses, they took control of the state.

The Israel Factor in Neocons’ Anti-Russia Warmongering over Ukraine

The anti-Russia Ukraine crisis was originally stirred up by neocons furious that Russia was preventing ‘two top Israeli priorities: US military strikes on Syria & Iran”…  Now their efforts are continuing. Key players are Victoria Nuland and the rest of the Kagan family…