2002 Salon report: For almost 2 years, 100s of Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices – in particular, the DEA. No one knows why – and no one seems to want to find out. Fox News’ broadcast a 4-part report on it, then removed all traces of the broadcast from its channel…
Search Results for: associated press
The fine line between “hero” and “terrorist”
Ukrainian citizens are being hailed for doing exactly what Palestinians get shot for. Time to learn a few of Israel’s secrets, then reconsider the meaning of “terrorist.”
Adelson protegé David Brog running for Congress in Nevada
Depending on which candidates win the Republican & Democratic primaries in Nevada on June 14th, Israel partisan David Brog may face off against grassroots Democrat Amy Vilela, who supports Palestinian human rights… In this case, David is Goliath – especially since major Nevada media are owned by his backer…
Israeli soldiers who allowed Omar As’ad to die did not have a momentary “moral failure”
Israel is lying about its soldiers’ actions that night: this wasn’t a fluke – it was Israeli standard operating procedure.
Pentagon officer described how Israelists manufactured anti-Iraq disinfo that led to war
Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski was an eye-witness to the tactics employed by Israel partisans in the Pentagon by which disinformation was manufactured and fed to the White House, Congress, media, and American public that led to the disastrous Iraq war… Detailed text and photos…
Altercation between Israeli and Palestinian legislators offers a snapshot of the larger issue
An ultra-nationalist Israeli lawmaker’s behavior on Tuesday is a microcosm of the conduct and attitude of Israel as a whole: bullying, self-absorbed, faux-victimized, evasive.
Israel’s Decades of Economic Espionage in the United States
Israel, which receives billions of dollars from American taxpayers, has conducted espionage in the US – especially economic espionage – since its creation in 1948. The illegal behavior includes stealing US technology, the fraudulent diversion of US foreign aid, the illicit retransfer of sensitive US technologies to third parties, and violation of end-use restrictions on U.S. military items transferred to Israel…
Israel’s years-long recruitment of African American Christians: A case study
How Israel and its partisans recruited Christian TV entrepreneur Glenn Plummer, a prominent evangelical pastor, to embrace Israel – and raise money for it from Black Christians – despite Israel’s deep ethnic and religious discrimination against Christians and others…
The Scofield Bible: The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians
The Scofield Bible has induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel. Few readers know that behind Scofield appears to have been Zionist attorney Samuel Untermeyer, who used Scofield to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism…
Sheikh Jarrah: A Third Palestinian Intifada Is Now a Stone’s Throw Away
The history & context of the current escalation in the conflict – Israel might be able to kill, maim, and suppress Palestinians, but it can’t sustain apartheid forever.