Three former Israeli prime ministers, a winner of the Israel prize, two former heads of the Israeli internal security service Shin Bet, and one of Israel’s principal newspapers have warned that the Jewish state is becoming, or already is, an apartheid state…
Search Results for: associated press
How Netanyahu Pulls Trump’s Strings
Robert Parry reports: “Netanyahu has been pulling Trump’s strings on almost every foreign policy issue. Arguably, the puppet/puppeteer relationship began much earlier, but I’ve been told that Trump bridled early on at Netanyahu’s control and even showed a few signs of rebellion…”
In America, the Right to Boycott Israel Is Under Threat. This Is Why That’s Cause for Concern
The ACLU has filed suit against a Kansas law against boycotting Israel. Such Laws violate First Amendment guarantee of free speech, as stated by the Supreme Court in 1982. “From the Boston Tea Party to the Montgomery bus boycott to the campaign against apartheid South Africa, political boycotts have been a proud part of this country’s constitutional tradition…”
Israeli ambassador pushes potential war to elite U.S. powerbrokers
A select group of Washington D.C. heavy hitters attended a Rosh Hashanah event at which the Israeli Ambassador laid out a rationale for another Israeli war. The attendees included Wolf Blitzer, Jason Greenblatt, Abe Foxman, Mort Klein, Eli Lake, White House insiders, Congressmen, political operatives, philanthropists, etc (detailed list)…
The Crazy Imbalance of Russia-gate: What about Israel?
Robert Parry deconstructs the latest Russia-gate propaganda and examines the foreign nation that most influences U.S. elections & pushes us into wars: Israel, with the help of its American agents…
Robert Parry: Despite appearances & neocon efforts, Trump’s actions have diminished bloodshed
Robert Parry reports that despite the continual condemnation of Trump by the liberal establishment and the neocons, who are often allied in war-making efforts, Trump’s actions have led to a sharp drop-off in Syrian bloodshed. Israel’s Netanyahu is not happy…
Consortium News: Neocons Leverage Trump-Hate for More Wars
The enactment of new sanctions against Russia and Iran – with the support of nearly all Democrats and Republicans in Congress – shows how the pro-Israel warmongering neocons again have come out on top, reports Robert Parry.
Netanyahu Pushes Trump Toward Wider Wars
Robert Parry reports: “Russia-gate is empowering Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to strong-arm President Trump into escalating the Syrian war by abandoning a recent cease-fire and challenging Iran and Russia,”
This week in Palestine: Palestinian hunger striker dies, IDF attacks journalists and protesters
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights documents crimes committed in the occupied Palestinian territories in weekly reports. We will summarize their reports and stories from other news agencies with the goal of informing Americans of the ongoing violence that Palestinian families face each day under Israel’s occupation of their ancestral lands. The Israeli government receives $3 billion per year in direct military aid from U.S. taxpayers.
NY Times: Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s real estate empire had help from one of Israel’s wealthiest families
Raz Steinmetz, 53, was behind Kushner deals; his uncle, billionaire diamond dealer Beny Steinmetz, is under scrutiny by law enforcement in four countries – his lawyer is Alan Dershowitz; Kushner has traveled repeatedly to Israel, where Kushner Companies have taken out at least four loans from Israel’s largest bank…