Al Jazeera’s upcoming undercover documentary reportedly shows that neoconservative think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies is working as a spy for the Israeli government. The organization is not registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The film is also said to reveal deepening ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Qatar.
Search Results for: adelson
How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet
Numerous projects work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. One works out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S…
The real objective of Trump’s Israel policy: split the Democratic Party off from its funding base
Donald Trump’s Israel policies may have more to do with outmaneuvering Democrats than they do with any concern for Middle East peace, argues Jonathan Marshall.
Has Israel Effectively Colonized the United States?
Israel doesn’t need to control everything in the US, just the important things: the Israel lobby controls Middle East policy and aid money by controlling all branches of government; the label “anti-Semite” is used as a weapon; media is kept from any meaningful criticism of Israel; and “exceptionalism” allows the Jewish State to waive rules that every other country must obey.
Giraldi: What’s Wrong with Liberal Jews? Progressive except for Palestine
Philip Giraldi discusses the central role of Jewish Americans in the US-Israel relationship and analyzes the actions of some individuals, including Jerry Seinfeld, Chuck Schumer, Rebecca Vilkomerson, etc….
NBA website changes Palestine definition after Israeli minister’s letter
The NBA deleted the word ‘occupied’ from its website after Israel complained. (In 2015, Sheldon Adelson flew NBA players to Israel on his private jet as part of the effort to fight the international boycott of Israel over its human rights abuses. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver reportedly approved the trip.)
Full Video and Transcript: Trump’s Speech Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
Video and transcript of Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Trump’s Anti-Iranian Policy Not Enough for Neocons and Other Israelophiles
American neocons and Israelophiles look to disable Iran’s economy, to weaken Iran’s potential in the region by strengthening the Kurds, and possibly even through regime change. The goal is for US policies that maintain Israeli regional dominance – even though these cause damage to the US…
DOUBLE STANDARD: The Hill refuses to publish column about USS Liberty
The Hill published a column in favor of ending $300 million in US aid to Palestinians, based on the murder of an American by a Palestinian man unaffiliated with any Palestinian organization. In response, Geoff ONeill submitted a column that suggested suspending $3.8 billion to Israel, based on the Israeli military’s killing of 34 American servicemen. The Hill would not publish that column – but then published a second column by another Israel partisan praising the TFA…
Video: “U.S. Policies: Made in Israel”
Six-minute video reports on how Israel partisans and dual citizen Israeli Americans work to influence U.S policies and legislation; includes footage from Israeli-American Council events with Senator Chuck Schumer, billionaire Sheldon Adelson, etc. and describes their work against BDS…