Israel and the US are tied together in ways that Americans would never even dream of – and may never know about, since the Al Jazeera documentary about the Israel lobby is being buried. A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the United States reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying on American citizens,…
Search Results for: Christian
Sheldon Adelson-backed pro-Israel campus initiative to operate on 80 campuses
An Adelson pro-Israel initiative will operate on 80 campuses, spending six figures per campus – about $8 million to $10 million this school year. Among its activities will be to “recruit influencers” and take them on trips to Israel.
Time for media to tell Americans about the bills in Congress to give Israel $38 billion
Congress is currently considering legislation to give Israel a total of $38 billion over 10 years, the largest such aid package in U.S. history. Yet, U.S. media are not telling Americans about the legislation, which is before Congress right now…
Giraldi: Why Confronting Israel Is Important
If there is a real enemy of the U.S. in terms of the actual damage being inflicted by a foreign power, it is Israel…
The decision to go to war on false pretenses against Iraq, largely promoted by a cabal of prominent American Zionists in the Pentagon and in the media, killed 4,424 Americans as well as hundreds of thousands Iraqis and will wind up costing the US taxpayer $7 trillion dollars. That same group of American Israelists is now agitating to go to war with Iran using a game plan prepared by Israel which will, if anything, prove even more catastrophic… Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen demonstrates how far US politicians will go…
Speakers oppose racism in the U.S. while supporting it in Israel
Progressive Except Palestine Department: Individuals recently spoke out against racism and injustice at U.S. rallies, while supporting racism and oppression against Palestinians in Israel…
The history of Zionist collusion with Nazis
Ron Unz details facts about Zionist-Nazi cooperation, including Zionist sponsored trips for Nazi officials such as Adolph Eichmann to Palestine, up through recent events in Ukraine…
PLO Executive Dr. Hanan Ashrawi discusses Israel escalations in occupied Jerusalem and Gaza
Dr. Ashrawi calls on the international community to hold Israel accountable for its recent aggressive actions and to protect the people and holy sites of Palestine.
Surprise! On how Muhammad never preached “Jihad”
Juan Cole’s upcoming book, Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid a Clash of Empires, investigates the origins of Islam, focusing on Muhammad’s vision of peace.
Unz Review: “American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion”
On July 19th Israel passed legislation reaffirming its status as a Jewish state. Jewish American analyst and publisher Ron Unz describes his journey of discovery concerning this subject matter. He discusses Israeli professor Israel Shahak’s information, Solzhenitsyn, and more.
House panel considers recognizing Israeli annexation of Golan Heights
The push to recognize Israel’s 1981 illegal annexation of the Golan Heights, part of Syria, represents an aggressive push by some pro-Israel groups and the Israeli government. Opponents say that recognition could unsettle the region and pose security concerns to the US and its allies. Israel destroyed hundreds of villages in the area…