Search Results for: Christian

Former president of Modern Language Association resigns following decision to ban debate on BDS

In her letter of resignation from the presidency of the Modern Language Association, Dr. Margaret Ferguson eloquently reprimands her colleagues for allowing the passage of a resolution that prohibits academic boycott of Israeli scholars. Ferguson points to firsthand experience in Israel-Palestine, echoes the words of another former MLA president, Edward Said, and scarcely restrains herself from naming names of those who tipped the vote, as she declares her membership “a burden” that she chooses to “relinquish.”

Michael Oren’s Conspiratorial Hasbara Is More Common Than You Think

Michael Oren is currently known for his conspiracy theory that Ahed Tamimi might be a “plant” sent to Nabi Saleh to make Israel look bad. Oren has a history of spouting such theories – and he is just one of many who would rather believe far-fetched fantasies about Palestinians rather than face the truth that Israel has blood on its hands.

Has Israel Effectively Colonized the United States?

Israel doesn’t need to control everything in the US, just the important things: the Israel lobby controls Middle East policy and aid money by controlling all branches of government; the label “anti-Semite” is used as a weapon; media is kept from any meaningful criticism of Israel; and “exceptionalism” allows the Jewish State to waive rules that every other country must obey.