Ruth Marcus, longtime Washington Post editor & columnist, identifies herself ideologically and politically as a liberal and as a Zionist. In her latest oped she referred to herself as a “proud Jew” and repeated virtually every Israeli talking point.
Category: Progressive Except Palestine
Blinken Declares Genocide in Sudan But Refuses to Acknowledge Genocide in Gaza
The US is quick to condemn the actions in Sudan and refer to them as genocidal. Rightly so, and justice is needed in Sudan, but where is this sentiment in Gaza?
Latest effort to cancel Palestine activist David Rovics
The long campaign to cancel popular activist singer-songwriter David Rovics has just struck again in Gothenburg, Sweden…
Where was Amnesty International during the Genocide in Gaza?
Amnesty International postures about all sorts of trendy human rights everywhere in the world, but then doesn’t cover genocide and spring into effective action… One thing is certain: Amnesty is not part of the solution, it is part of the problem. – Paul De Rooij
Nearly Two-Thirds of All Campaign Funds for Cori Bush Challenger Came From AIPAC
Almost two-thirds of all campaign donations to St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell — who just beat incumbent Cori Bush in the Democratic primary for Missouri’s 1st Congressional District — reportedly came from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s super PAC.
Phones ringing off the hooks for a ceasefire, but Congress members aren’t listening
Staffers are saying, “I’ve never seen such a disconnect between where voters and constituents are and where Congress is, and that’s saying something because there’s always a disconnect,” and “This is the most I’ve ever seen people unified behind an issue and actively calling.”
Amnesty International: A Template for Futility
Israel engages in these attacks every four or five years; it calls them “mowing the lawn operations”. Amnesty issues press releases & reports, then blames “both sides”…. A blatant double standard covers up Israel’s crimes against humanity… Amnesty was founded by an Israel partisan…
Sec’y Blinken (indirectly) calls Israel’s treatment of Gazans “barbaric”
“Heat, water, electricity for children, for the elderly, for the sick – these are President Putin’s new targets. He’s hitting them hard. This brutalization of Ukraine’s people is barbaric.”
Visa Waiver Program: Biden administration has insulted and betrayed Arab Americans
The repeated promise by US officials that Israel would never get a visa waiver until it stopped discriminating against Arab American visitors turned out to be worthless.
Big truths that RFK Jr ignores in his eagerness to support Israel
Longtime journalist Chris Hedges offers a partial inventory of Israel’s documented human rights abuses of Palestinians – massive abuses that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. chooses to ignore: the crimes of apartheid, and the targeting and torturing of civilians, to name a few. As Hedges reminds us, to support this Israel is to “justify the unjustifiable”; and to protest Israeli policy is “a political death wish.” (part 3)