VIDEO: Israelis taunt Palestinian hunger strikers with barbecue; Samidoun calls for action

From the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Samidoun:

Call for Action 27-30 April 2017: Support Palestinian Hunger Strikers!

Over 1,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails have been on hunger strike since 17 April 2017. The demands of the Strike for Freedom and Dignity are straightforward: for their basic human rights – to no longer be denied family visits, to have the ability to contact their families via telephone, to receive appropriate medical care, to not be subject to isolation or to imprisonment without charge or trial under “administrative detention.” Palestinians across political lines have joined the strike, urging dedicated action for the prisoners’ victory.

Since they began their strike, these prisoners have been subject to a campaign of repression, including the denial of family visits, the denial of legal visits, prohibition of group prayer on Fridays, confiscation of clothing and belongings and the transfer of many prisoners to isolation and solitary confinement. A series of strike leaders, including Marwan Barghouthi – subject to retaliatory punishment for his article in the New York Times – Karim Younes, Kamil Abu Hanish, Anas Jaradat and Wajdi Jawdat have been thrown in solitary confinement in Jalameh prison.

Nevertheless, their strike continues and they have vowed to pursue their protest until they achieve their demands. Consuming only salt and water, their bodies and lives are on the line for freedom and dignity.

Throughout Palestine, people have taken to the streets in mass demonstrations, rallies and solidarity tents to support the hunger strikers. Internationally, dozens of cities around the world have organized events and actions in solidarity with the striking prisoners. From Lannemezan prison in France, imprisoned Lebanese struggler Georges Abdallah has launched a three-day hunger strike along with Basque and Arab fellow prisoners to support the Palestinian strikers, while numerous international organizations have urged the implementation of the strikers’ demands.

Palestinian organizations in Palestine have called for a general strike on Thursday, 27 April; others have called for a “day of rage” on Friday, 28 April to confront the Israeli occupation in support of the prisoners.Many organizations around the world have already organized events on these days, with actions already scheduled to take place in Vancouver, Canada; County Donegal, County Armagh, Belfast and Dublin, Ireland; New York, NY, US; Brussels, Belgium; London, UK; Parma and Padua, Italy; Girona, Spain; Paris, France, with many more to come.

We urge all supporters of Palestine and friends of justice to come together to take action from 27 April to 30 April and stand with Palestinian prisoners striking for freedom and dignity!


Materials to support your events and organizing are available for download here: Please contact [email protected] or reach out to us on Facebook for questions or to share your actions.

1) Organize or join an event in support of the hunger strikers. Protest outside your local Israeli embassy, consulate or mission, or at a public square or government building. You can drop a banner or put up a table to support the prisoners and their strike. See the list of current international events here, and add your own: send your events and actions to us at [email protected], on Facebook, or use the form to tell us about your actions.

2) Hunger Strike for Justice! Join the Palestinian hunger strikers to support their demands with a symbolic one-day hunger strike in your community or on your campus. Tell us about your solidarity strike at [email protected], on Facebook, or use the form.

3) Call your government officials and demand action.  Call your foreign affairs officials – and members of parliament – and urge action for the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike.

Call your country’s officials urgently:

  • Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop: + 61 2 6277 7500
  • Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland: +1-613-992-5234
  • European Union Commissioner Federica Mogherini: +32 (0) 2 29 53516
  • New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully: +64 4 439 8000
  • United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson: +44 20 7008 1500
  • United States President Donald Trump: 1-202-456-1111

Tell your government: Palestinian prisoners are on hunger strike for their basic human rights – for family visits, medical care, and freedom from imprisonment without charge or trial. Governments must pressure Israel to recognize the prisoners’ demands!

4) Take action on social media! Support the hunger strike on social media. Post a picture of yourself with a sign saying you support the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike! Include the hashtag #DignityStrike when posting your photo to Facebook or Twitter. Share and re-share information about the strike with the #DignityStrike hashtag.

5) Build the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign! Join the BDS Movement to highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

Events already scheduled:

Thursday, 27 April

Vancouver, Canada – 7 pm, Room 2245, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings, Vancouver: BDS Strategy: Summing up G4S, Air Canada and Israeli Wine campaigns and moving forward! For more information: Organized by BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories

County Donegal, Ireland – 6:30 pm, Station Road Roundabout, Letterkenny, Donegal: Support the Palestinian Hunger Strikers Vigil. For more information: by Donegal Awareness for Palestine

County Armagh, Ireland – 7:30 pm, Garvaghy Road, Portadown: Vigil in Solidarity with the Palestinian Hunger Strikers. Organized by the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Tampa, Florida, USA – All Day, 24 Hour Hunger Strike for #PalHunger. For more information: Organized by Block the Boat Tampa, Florida Peace Action Network, Food Not Bombs

Friday, 28 April

Belfast, Ireland – 5 pm to 10 am Saturday 29 April, Old Andersonstown Barracks Site, Falls Road, Belfast: Freedom and Dignity Vigil. For more information: by Socialist Republicans for Palestine

Girona, Spanish state – 6 pm, Pont de Pedra, Girona: Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on Hunger Strike! Organized by BDS Catalonia, BDS Girona

Brussels, Belgium – 5 pm, Carrefour de l’Europe (near Gare central), Brussels: Rally to support Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Association Belgo-Palestinienne, Palestina Solidariteit

Dublin, Ireland – 5 pm, GPO, O’Connell Street, Dublin: Dublin Freedom and Dignity Vigil. For more information: Organized by Socialist Republicans for Palestine

New York, NY, USA – 5:30 pm, Best Buy Union Square, 52 E. 14th Street, New York City: Protest to support the hunger strike and stop HP. For more information: by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

London, UK – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Charing Cross Road next to St-Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square, London: Vigil in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by Inminds

Parma, Italy – 8:30 pm, Il Pedale Veloce, Borgo Bernabei 29, 43100 Parma: Occupation, Repression and Resistance in Palestine. For more information: by Gruppo Azione Palestina.

Paris, France – 2 pm, Place de la Republique, Paris: Part of “Palestine Debout” – Support Palestinian Political Prisoners. For more information: Organized by CAPJPO-EuroPalestine

Saturday, 29 April

Paris, France – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Place de la Republique, Paris: Rally for the Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by GUPS France

Sunday, 30 April

Padua, Italy – 5 pm, Piazetta Padua: Discussion with Fronte Palestina and Myassar Atyani on Palestinian prisoners (part of a three-day event). For more information: Organized by Fronte Palestina

Tuesday, 2 May

Athens, Greece – 6:00 pm, Israeli Embassy (Kifissias Av) 2 Triti, Athens: Protest in solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Solidarity Meeting on Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike

Wednesday, 3 May

Turin, Italy – 5 pm to 8 pm, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100, Turin: Palestinian Political Prisoners – meeting with Myassar Atyani. For more information: Organized by Progetto Palestina

Friday, 5 May

Dublin, Ireland – 6 pm, O’Connell Bridge, Dublin: Palestinian Hunger Strike Solidarity/1981 Black Flag Vigil. For more information: Organized by eirigi.

Please add your own local actions to this list! Email us at [email protected], on Facebook, or use the form to tell us about your actions. Building this strong list of actions around the world will help to underline the global support for Palestinian political prisoners in their struggle for freedom, and the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation.

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