Giraldi: Netenyahu is the first foreign leader to meet with the new president at the White House… Despite Trump’s numerous pro-Israel actions, might Trump, he of the enormous ego, take the opportunity to make it clear in the face-to-face that he is the one in charge?
Tags: neoconservatives
WATCH: How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq (Alison Weir)
In June of 2018, Alison Weir described how Israel partisans in the Bush administration played a central role in pushing the U.S. into the disastrous Iraq war.
‘Decades to rebuild’: Israel grabs land and wipes out Syria’s arsenal
Immediately after the Assad regime fell, Israel launched a massive bombing operation targeting the full spectrum of Syria’s military capabilities across the country while beginning a ground incursion along the border with the occupied Golan Heights.
WATCH: The Israeli Hit List – Iran Remains
The seven countries that the U.S. continues to meddle with and antagonize have a shared history and connection: For decades Israel and the Zionists who pushed for the Jewish state have wanted them to be destabilized, weakened, or eliminated.
Leaked documents reveal US intel cutout’s Iranian counter-revolution plans
Leaked documents and emails reveal a covert effort by Israel partisans to impose leadership on the remnants of Iran’s Women, Life, Freedom protest movement
US Senator Incites Violence Against Gaza Protesters
Tom Cotton, US senator from Arkansas, is encouraging grotesque, possibly lethal vigilante violence against demonstrators who oppose genocide
Greenwald: The Unholy Alliance of Neocons & Democrats
Greenwald’s exposé on neocons, war, Ukraine, Zelensky, liberal media, Democratic party… Stephens, Frum, Boot, Kagan, Nuland, Kristol, Dick & Liz Cheney… Neocons are notorious for their love of sending other people’s families to war…
The Israel Factor in Neocons’ Anti-Russia Warmongering over Ukraine
The anti-Russia Ukraine crisis was originally stirred up by neocons furious that Russia was preventing ‘two top Israeli priorities: US military strikes on Syria & Iran”… Now their efforts are continuing. Key players are Victoria Nuland and the rest of the Kagan family…
Israel escalates efforts to get US to attack Iran, as it did Iraq
For many years, Israel & its partisans have pushed the US to attack Iran. Recently they’ve used the Afghan exit to promote policies that could escalate into another disastrous, failed war. Some analysts from across the political spectrum have opposed these dangerous efforts, including Wesley Clark on Democracy Now, CounterPunch writers, Tucker Carlson, & Patrick Buchanan (videos)…
Pentagon officer described how Israelists manufactured anti-Iraq disinfo that led to war
Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski was an eye-witness to the tactics employed by Israel partisans in the Pentagon by which disinformation was manufactured and fed to the White House, Congress, media, and American public that led to the disastrous Iraq war… Detailed text and photos…