If there is a real enemy of the U.S. in terms of the actual damage being inflicted by a foreign power, it is Israel…
The decision to go to war on false pretenses against Iraq, largely promoted by a cabal of prominent American Zionists in the Pentagon and in the media, killed 4,424 Americans as well as hundreds of thousands Iraqis and will wind up costing the US taxpayer $7 trillion dollars. That same group of American Israelists is now agitating to go to war with Iran using a game plan prepared by Israel which will, if anything, prove even more catastrophic… Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen demonstrates how far US politicians will go…
Tags: iraq
Oil for Israel: The Truth about the Iraq War, 15 Years Later
Oil Insider Gary Vogler writes of the Iraq War: The oil agenda I discovered and experienced was to supply Iraq oil to Israel. The players were oil mogul & commodities manipulator Marc Rich, pardoned by Clinton; the neocons in the Bush Administration, Feith, Zell, Wolfowitz, Libby, and other Israel partisans – contains video of Vogler
Is Iran really a nuclear threat?
Investigative journalist Gareth Porter dispels myths about Iran’s alleged nuclear program: Israel has been crying wolf about Iran & nukes since the 1980s (including likely forging documents), while the IAEA has been declaring Tehran’s compliance; the Ayatollah has maintained that WMDs are “unIslamic,” and Iran hasn’t used any (even against Iraq’s WMDs); Iran needs ballistic missiles as a deterrent since it has no air force; and it has never threatened aggression toward Israel.
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again.
Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, recalls his work to invent a case for “pre-emptive” war against Iraq. It worked like a charm – ultimately at a high cost in lives, financially, and in destabilization of the whole region. Wilkerson argues that Nikki Haley and the Trump administration are doing the same thing today, only with even weaker evidence. The result could be “10 to 15 times worse than the Iraq war in terms of casualties and costs.”