Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 is the only peacetime attack on a US naval vessel that Congress has formally refused to investigate. The survivors are still awaiting justice. Please join them in demanding accountability by signing this petition calling on Congress to open an official investigation.
Search Results for: water
Naval Institute on the USS Liberty: The Spy Ship Left Out in the Cold
Declassified documents and interviews that U.S. leaders, anxious to protect Israel from bad PR, contemplated sinking the ship at sea to prevent reporters from photographing the damage. Israeli diplomats manipulated the media to downplay or kill stories about the attack and even silenced an angry President Lyndon Johnson by threatening to publicly accuse him of “blood libel” or anti-Semitism.
The Six Day War and Israeli Lies: What I Saw at the CIA
Former CIA officer Melvin Goodman reveals the questionable role played by presidential advisor Walt Rostow, and describes how Israeli leaders lied to the White House about the start of the war, lied to the U.S. ambassador about non-existent Egyptian military movements, and lied to everyone about Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty…
This week in Palestine: Prisoners hunger strike ends, Gaza without electricity
May 25 – May 31, 2017: A thousand Palestinians being held in Israeli jails ended their hunger strike after 40 days without food. Palestinians in Gaza only have a few hours of electricity and running water a day and are forced to buy bottled water to meet their daily needs.
Ilan Pappe, Jacobin: No, Israel Is Not a Democracy – And Never Was
Israeli historian Ilan Pappe documents in detail what Palestinian writers have previously described – even from its earliest days Israel was not a democracy. Even the socialist kibbutzim coveted Palestinian land…
This week in Palestine: Israelis kill two Palestinian children, punish hunger strikers
May 18 – 24, 2017: Israeli forces killed two Palestinian children, injured and arrested dozens, including children, and punished Palestinian prisoners on their fifth week of hunger strike.
ACTION ALERT: Support 1,000 Palestinian hunger strikers on 38th day without food
Amplify their voices by contacting your Congressional rep, calling Amnesty International and Red Cross, writing letters to media, attending a rally, and educating others on social media.
VIDEO: Israelis taunt Palestinian hunger strikers with barbecue; Samidoun calls for action
Mocking Palestinian hunger strikers, right-wing Israelis held a barbecue outside Ofer Prison in the West Bank and served free food to passers-by to. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has issued a call for action to support the strikers.
Consortium News: Neocons Point Housebroken Trump at Iran
Pro-Israel neocons from the Weekly Standard; Project for the New American Century (PNAC); its replacement, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies; and the Jewish Institute for Strategic Affairs (JINSA) – who pushed for war against Iraq and cheered Trump’s attacks on Syria – continue to promote attacks on Iran…
Israel clears Palestinians and homes so its military can practice
Evictions, demolitions, and UXO are constant risks for Palestinian children living in areas of the Jordan Valley that Israel has declared as “firing zones,” where Israeli battalions regularly assemble to hone their combat skills. “During 2016, we were forced to evacuate our houses around 30 times…”