See what kind of company Sam Brownback has been keeping, what policies and organizations he has championed. Ponder the question of what pet projects he might take on as Ambassador-at-large for Religious Freedom.
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‘Religious freedom’ nominee Sam Brownback and the commission’s dirty little secret
A look at Israelphile and soon-to-be Ambassador for Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, and the pro-Israel environment in which he will find himself. How can a man who has lived in Israel’s pocket be expected to stand up for Palestinians’ religious liberty, when even neutral players could not?
Media selectively report on Jerusalem unrest; the clock keeps ticking…
Mainstream media under-report Israeli aggression, which will make the Palestinians’ eventual response appear to be unprovoked violence.
Israel’s newest tourist attraction: family fantasy camps teach how to kill (coming soon to the US)
Israeli companies offer tourist training camps in which families, even with small children, practice shooting live ammunition at targets resembling Palestinians. Such courses are also being offered in the US.
U.N. says Gaza is ‘de-developing’ even faster than expected, but omits main cause
Five years ago, the U.N. warned that Gaza is expected to be unlivable by 2020. A new report now says conditions are deteriorating there even faster than it forecast. But the U.N. report is somewhat lacking in its portrayal of who is at fault for the crisis.
Israel is not as Christian-friendly as you think
The recent conviction of an Israeli settler for an arson attack on the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes is a reminder that Jewish extremism toward Christians and their holy sites is a problem as old as the state of Israel itself.
Instead of Taylor Force Act, Congress should consider Rachel Corrie Act, Orwah Hammad Act
Instead of commemorating a tragic death with legislation that will cut off funding to Palestinians and create more misery and, most likely, violence, Congress should enact a Rachel Corrie Act, a Brian Avery Act, an Emily Henoschowitz Act, a Tristan Anderson Act, a Tariq Abukhdeir Act, and an Orwah Hammad Act. See details of what they would contain…
The Legitimacy of Family Compensation for Palestinians Killed, Injured, and Imprisoned
American lawmakers and Israeli leaders fail to grasp the need for a fund to compensate families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned—or the real reason for the violence coming out of the occupied West Bank and Gaza.