Search Results for: east jerusalem

The heads of Jerusalem’s Christian churches decided to close the Church of the Holy Sepulchre until further notice, in a protest against what they say is Israel’s “systematic campaign against the churches and the Christian community in the Holy Land”

Former president of Modern Language Association resigns following decision to ban debate on BDS

In her letter of resignation from the presidency of the Modern Language Association, Dr. Margaret Ferguson eloquently reprimands her colleagues for allowing the passage of a resolution that prohibits academic boycott of Israeli scholars. Ferguson points to firsthand experience in Israel-Palestine, echoes the words of another former MLA president, Edward Said, and scarcely restrains herself from naming names of those who tipped the vote, as she declares her membership “a burden” that she chooses to “relinquish.”

Associated Press Double Standard in Israel-Palestine Reporting

A study of AP’s 2018 reports on Palestinians and Israelis killed found that AP headlines reported on Israeli deaths at a rate four times greater than on Palestinian deaths, and that articles were almost three times longer. Essential information was often missing; never once, for example, did AP use the term “occupied” or “occupation”…

PayPal freezes out Palestine Activists in France & in Palestine itself

Association France Palestine Solidarité, one of 20 orgs banned from Israel, has just found its PayPal account for accepting donations abruptly shut down with no explanation. Meanwhile, Paypal denies its service to Palestinians – though not Israeli settlers – in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Two articles…