Search Results for: child

Israeli who killed Palestinian gets less jail time than Palestinian kids who threw stones; Israeli children dress up as the killer

An Israeli soldier who shot a Palestinian rebel dead after he was already incapacitated on the ground has been sentenced to 18 months in prison. The killing took place in the Palestinian city of Hebron in Israeli-occupied West Bank. The Independent reports: [The dead Palestinian’s] father Yusri told reporters … “The sentence he received is less than…

Palestinian children throwing stones got longer sentences than Israeli who killed unarmed man

An Israeli Defense Forces soldier has been sentenced to 18 months in jail on a manslaughter conviction for shooting a Palestinian man in the head after he had already been disarmed and injured by other soldiers. The Independent lists Palestinian children who have received longer prison sentences for throwing stones than Elor Azaria did for killing the unarmed man.

Trump repeats false narrative about Palestinian children

Palestinians’ formative years are scarred by what they witness and experience living under the Israeli military occupation of their lands that has been in place 50 years: Israeli settler violence against them in their homes, destroying their property, theft of their land and burning of their crops… even some instances in which Israeli extremists have burned Palestinians in their homes while they were sleeping.

Rothschild reveals crucial role his ancestors played in the Balfour Declaration and creation of Israel [VIDEO]

Rothschild said the way the declaration was procured was extraordinary: “It was the most incredible piece of opportunism.” HIs cousin Dorothy de Rothschild connected Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann to the British establishment. Dorothy “told Weizmann how to integrate, how to insert himself into British establishment life, which he learned very quickly…”