Philip Giraldi discusses the central role of Jewish Americans in the US-Israel relationship and analyzes the actions of some individuals, including Jerry Seinfeld, Chuck Schumer, Rebecca Vilkomerson, etc….
Search Results for: child
Take Action! CNN report on Ahed Tamimi omits essential facts
CNN’s report on Ahed Tamimi did not inform viewers that shortly before the slapping incident an Israeli soldier had shot Ahed’s young cousin in the face. It also failed to mention that Israeli soldiers had recently killed another young Tamimi relative, and left out additional significant information. Use this form to tell CNN and Jerusalem Correspondent Oren Liebermann (an Israeli citizen), to report the full story.
The Story Behind Ahed Tamimi’s Slap: Her Cousin’s Head Shattered by Israeli Soldier’s Bullet
Just before Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi slapped one of the soldiers who’d invaded her yard, she learned that her 15-year-old cousin Mohammed had been shot in the head at close range. (Three articles)
Let’s End the Israeli Tie-That-Binds
When Israel says “jump,” the US says “how high?” It’s time to stop letting the bully and its cohorts call the shots. America needs to know the truth.
Facebook deleting accounts at direction of Israel; In 2012 Zuckerberg helped Israeli President launch Facebook page
Facebook has been on a censorship rampage against Palestinian activists who protest the illegal Israeli occupation, all directed and determined by Israeli officials. Israeli officials have been publicly boasting about how obedient Facebook is when it comes to Israeli censorship orders. In 2012 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg helped former Israeli President Peres launch his Facebook page.
‘Devastating’: Israeli tear gas’ effect on Palestinians
UC Berkeley has published a report on the epidemic proportions of tear gas use by Israeli forces, and the seriousness of the consequences
A Palestinian Teen Puts His Hand in His Pocket. His Punishment: A Bullet in the Face
An Israeli soldier sees a slim teenager approaching the fence, unarmed, not endangering anyone – and shoots him in the head with live ammunition, destroying his life and that of his family, probably for all time. At first the IDF claims that the soldier had thwarted a “knifing attack;” later they say that the teen had “put his hand in his pocket in a suspicious way.”
Joy to the world: Jesus is a celebrated prophet in Islam, too, peace be upon him
A writer reminds us that Muslims revere Jesus highly, and believe in the divine origin of the holy books of all three Abrahamic religions. She reminds us of the need to work together for peace. After the article are photos of Christmastime in Bethlehem, where there is genuine interfaith peace among Palestinians.
Israeli forces imprison 16-year-old Palestinian girl, her mother, and her cousin – after shooting another cousin in the face
Mohammed is 14 and in a coma from being shot in the face. Now 2 of his female cousins and his aunt are in prison. Because in occupied Palestine, Israel takes revenge on the victim.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: at 84, where does she get her PEP (Progressive Except Palestine)?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is spunky and progressive, but she has blinders on when it comes to Palestine. See this detailed analysis…