Search Results for: billionaire

The Myth of Israel as ‘US Aircraft Carrier’ in Middle East

Israel is a chronic liability that squanders billions of American dollars, drags the US into wars and whose genocidal treatment of the Palestinians is destroying America’s moral pretensions in most of the world. Once this is understood, support for Israel will collapse, and voters may apply enough pressure to reorient U.S. policy in line with genuine national interests.

Defense for Children Int’l: Palestinian children face unrelenting genocide – Day 440

Gazan infant dies of cold; Defense For Children Int’l presents end of year Palestine report; Pope Francis has strong words for Israel; UNRWA head’s op-ed; Israel violates another int’l law; Israel’s torture victims speak out; West Bank death; Christmas in Bethlehem; Americans stuck in Gaza; “The Bibi Files”: documentary film tells all

Nearly Two-Thirds of All Campaign Funds for Cori Bush Challenger Came From AIPAC

Almost two-thirds of all campaign donations to St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell — who just beat incumbent Cori Bush in the Democratic primary for Missouri’s 1st Congressional District — reportedly came from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s super PAC.