If there is a real enemy of the U.S. in terms of the actual damage being inflicted by a foreign power, it is Israel…
The decision to go to war on false pretenses against Iraq, largely promoted by a cabal of prominent American Zionists in the Pentagon and in the media, killed 4,424 Americans as well as hundreds of thousands Iraqis and will wind up costing the US taxpayer $7 trillion dollars. That same group of American Israelists is now agitating to go to war with Iran using a game plan prepared by Israel which will, if anything, prove even more catastrophic… Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen demonstrates how far US politicians will go…
Search Results for: aipac
U.S. media continue to cover up U.S. aid to Israel, as Trump signs latest bill
U.S. Legislation to give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years is steadily working its way through to completion, as Trump signs one of the bills giving US tax money to Israel. While this is the largest such aid package in U.S. history, U.S. media are not informing Americans of the AIPAC promoted legislation…
Florida A&M campus newspaper: The relationship between African-American students and Israel
Article in the Florida A&M campus newspaper describes how AIPAC woos student leaders from historically black colleges and universities…
Speakers oppose racism in the U.S. while supporting it in Israel
Progressive Except Palestine Department: Individuals recently spoke out against racism and injustice at U.S. rallies, while supporting racism and oppression against Palestinians in Israel…
Virginia’s taxpayer-funded Israel lobby: prototype for obtaining state tax money for Israel advocates
State funding for Israeli companies and pro-Israel politicized textbooks: VIAB (now VIAA) is a pilot for how Israel can obtain taxpayer funding and official status for entities that advance Israel from within state governments. The organization operates as a taxpayer-funded lobbyist for a foreign country…
Senate passes $38 billion to Israel – next step House of Representatives
The Senate yesterday passed a bill to give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years. The legislation, heavily promoted by AIPAC, was adopted in a voice vote. The next steps are for the House to pass it, and then for Trump to sign it into law.
WATCH: Chomsky says Israel, not Russia, Interferes with US Elections
During an interview with Democracy Now on July 23, 2018, veteran activist Professor Noam Chomsky says Israel “brazenly” interfered in US electoral politics in a way that vastly outweighs any efforts that may have been carried out by Russia.
A New Wave Of Hardline Anti-BDS Tactics Are Targeting Students, And No One Knows Who’s Behind It
College campuses are being hit by militant, often anonymous anti-BDS campaigns. Some of them are so rough, they’re even making pro-Israel Jews uncomfortable. The list of Jewish groups that do anti-BDS work on campuses is bafflingly long. A partial tally includes StandWithUs, AEPi, CAMERA, the David Project, the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Jerusalem U, AIPAC, Sheldon Adelson’s Maccabee Task Force, and the Zionist Organization of America. The total amount of American Jewish and Israeli government funds flooding the anti-BDS effort is easily in the tens of millions of dollars each year…
Congress begins passing bills to give Israel more money – Part one: $550 million
Congress just passed a bill that will give Israel $550 million. Now this goes to President Trump to sign into law. Another bill is still pending – this one would give Israel about $38 billion.
Senate about to vote on bill to give $38 billion to Israel, largest aid package in US history
Although the media isn’t telling Americans, a bill to give Israel a massive aid package is before Congress. The Senate, where it has 72 sponsors, is expected to vote on it this week. The bill also mandates that NASA work with Israel’s space agency, despite charges of Israeli espionage…