Search Results for: Christian

How Israel Weaponizes Archeology

When Israel created itself in 1948—and even before this date—the “Jewish State” worked to take control of archaeology, and thus, of the region’s history. It toiled to erase footprints of the numerous civilizations that had preceded the Jewish presence, as well as the peoples that have come afterward. Kathryn Shihadah gives us the past and present details….

Which will it be: Unequivocal support for Israel or our First Amendment rights?

Justine McCabe writes: “An alarming paradox has taken shape in legislation before Congress: Our representatives would violate Americans’ First Amendment rights in order to protect the State of Israel. This draconian legislation is H.R. 1697/S. 720, the ‘Israel Anti-Boycott Act,’ is a proposed law that could harshly penalize the free speech of Americans…

‘Religious freedom’ nominee Sam Brownback and the commission’s dirty little secret

A look at Israelphile and soon-to-be Ambassador for Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, and the pro-Israel environment in which he will find himself. How can a man who has lived in Israel’s pocket be expected to stand up for Palestinians’ religious liberty, when even neutral players could not?

EI: These are the Israeli leaders who want to destroy al-Aqsa

Dan Cohen reports in EI on the role & beliefs of Jewish extremists in the Jerusalem crisis: ‘if Muslims and Christians surrender and say from now on, there is no more Christianity and no more Islam, and the mosques and Christian spires come down, then they would be allowed to live. “If not,” he warned, “you kill all of their males by sword. You leave only the women.”