Category: History

For more information on the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, please see

Sacred Christian site Emmaus destroyed by Israel

In 1967 Israel ordered the razing of Emmaus (the site where the Bible says the resurrected Jesus broke bread with two of his disciples). Israeli soldiers forced the inhabitants to trek for days to refuge – 22 people & an infant died. Israel then built its famous Canada Park on the location. This was part of a long pattern of Israeli attacks on Christian sites… (see video)

Netanyahu purveyed a fictional history of Israel to Jordan Peterson

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is peddling a fanciful narrative of Israel’s history that bears no resemblance to the truth. We provide the real facts here, comprehensively annotated and easily verifiable.

Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israel’s founding war… and after

‘”Place the Material in the Wells..” Documents from Israeli archives reveal the Israeli army’s 1948 biological warfare… Some oral testimonies have previously reported this – now two Israeli historians have found the ‘smoking gun’ recent reports of Israelis poisoning Palestinian wells…

Queen Elizabeth boycotted Israel, Charles hoped for “freedom, justice & equality to all Palestinians”

Queen Elizabeth was horrified by Israel’s occupation of Palestine, & refused invitations to visit Israel. In 2020 Prince Charles, on a trip to the West Bank, expressed his heartbreak over witnessing the  ‘suffering’  and  ‘hardship’ endured by the Palestinian population under Israeli occupation… He said his “dearest wish” was that the future would bring “freedom, justice and equality to all Palestinians…”