The Times of Israel and others report on the fraudulent binary options industry that generates $5 to $10 billion a year and largely emanates from Israel. For 10 years it scammed hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide out of billions of dollars with little or no intervention from Israeli law enforcement. Israel’s current bill would allow binary options pushers to re-brand their product and continue to defraud customers abroad with impunity. An analyst writes: ‘Israel is so corrupt that these borderline criminals run the country.’
Global Research: Root Cause of Today’s Antisemitism Is Western Support for the Occupation of Palestine
Increasing antisemitism around the world can be traced back to the apparent unlimited support from the Jews and politicians of the US and Britain to shore up the occupation, plus Israel’s rejection of UN resolution 2334 freezing settlements.
AIPAC eludes US law, part of international lobby for Israel
Philip Giraldi reports: ‘The most powerful and effective foreign-government lobby in Washington is so dominant that it has been able to avoid registering for the past 55 years… The unrelenting pressure to make criticism of Israel illegal is particularly dangerous as it is international…’
Mondoweiss: NYT, Reuters, Economist journalists self-censor on Israel so as not to be ‘savagely targeted’ — John Lyons
The Israel lobby has a tight grip on even the most prestigious American news outlets, and will continue to, as long as journalists and politicians refuse to speak the truth openly.
EI: These are the Israeli leaders who want to destroy al-Aqsa
Dan Cohen reports in EI on the role & beliefs of Jewish extremists in the Jerusalem crisis: ‘if Muslims and Christians surrender and say from now on, there is no more Christianity and no more Islam, and the mosques and Christian spires come down, then they would be allowed to live. “If not,” he warned, “you kill all of their males by sword. You leave only the women.”
The Unz Review: America’s Militarized Police – Made in Israel?
Since 2002 there have been hundreds of all-expenses-paid trips to Israel including officers from every major American city as well as state and local police departments. Some have been sponsored by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has also been directly funding trips since 2008…
Consortium News: The Price for Criticizing Israel
Israel is well-known for its potent U.S. lobby that not only influences Congress and the mainstream media but intimidates Americans who dare criticize its policies toward the Palestinians, as Dennis J Bernstein describes.
WAFA: UNRWA report: Gaza suffers humanitarian crisis
Food shortages from the ten-year-old siege force Gaza residents to rely on aid from WAFA, Palestinian News and Info Agency JERUSALEM, July 24, 2017 (WAFA) – The Gaza Strip is suffering from a humanitarian crisis, epitomized by cyclic violence and destruction, the chronic fuel and water crises and the glaring absence of any sustainable socio-economic…
Tikun Olam: Israeli Al Aqsa “Compromise:” Force Muslim Worshippers Through Cattle Pen-Like Chutes
After extensive protests over the use of metal detectors at the Haram al Sharif, Israel is considering instead ‘chutes,’ complemented by surveillance cameras.
State Department finds Israel a ‘driver of violence’ – Israel partisans furious, demand Tillerson resign
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is under attack for a recent State Department report. While the report is extremely Israel-centric, Israel partisans call it ‘antisemitic and biased’ for two sentences near the end. Israelists have long opposed Tillerson…