Many Americans believe that Israel was given to the Jewish people by God. But does the Bible support this belief? Answering this requires examining the conditions God put on the “land grant” and the consequences of violating those conditions. With this background, viewers are equipped to decide for themselves about the legitimacy of Israel’s claim.
Satterfield, who leaked classified info to AIPAC, named to highest diplomatic position for Middle East
David Satterfield, a pro-Israel diplomat who provided classified information to AIPAC that resulted in espionage charges, has been named assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs…
AIPAC video describes its decades-long role in creating US laws against BDS [VIDEO]
In this video, AIPAC describes how it has successfully worked since the 1970s to create U.S. laws against boycotting Israel…
Which will it be: Unequivocal support for Israel or our First Amendment rights?
Justine McCabe writes: “An alarming paradox has taken shape in legislation before Congress: Our representatives would violate Americans’ First Amendment rights in order to protect the State of Israel. This draconian legislation is H.R. 1697/S. 720, the ‘Israel Anti-Boycott Act,’ is a proposed law that could harshly penalize the free speech of Americans…
Brownback’s Pro-Israel Rolodex Spells Trouble for Palestinians
See what kind of company Sam Brownback has been keeping, what policies and organizations he has championed. Ponder the question of what pet projects he might take on as Ambassador-at-large for Religious Freedom.
MEMO: Jewish settlers burn Palestinian farms in Nablus
Jewish settlers burnt scores of acres of Palestinian farms near Nablus in the occupied West Bank, damaging hundreds of citrus trees and likely to impact the harvest. Palestinian fire fighters could not access the fire due to the presence of Israeli occupation forces and extremist settlers.
Consortium News: Neocons Leverage Trump-Hate for More Wars
The enactment of new sanctions against Russia and Iran – with the support of nearly all Democrats and Republicans in Congress – shows how the pro-Israel warmongering neocons again have come out on top, reports Robert Parry.
‘Religious freedom’ nominee Sam Brownback and the commission’s dirty little secret
A look at Israelphile and soon-to-be Ambassador for Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, and the pro-Israel environment in which he will find himself. How can a man who has lived in Israel’s pocket be expected to stand up for Palestinians’ religious liberty, when even neutral players could not?
These ‘social issues’ videos get billions of views – here’s what they’re not telling
Videos by a new media powerhouse are poised to reach over a billion video views monthly. They cover numerous issues of injustice, except one: Palestine…
53 Congressional reps, a dozen Latino leaders, & top political operatives on all expense paid trips to Israel
53 Congressional reps, a dozen Latino leaders, and top political operatives from both parties have all gone to Israel this summer on Israel Lobby funded trips. The sponsoring organization, American Israel Educational Fund, is an arm of AIPAC with an $80 million budget…