Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) calls out the Biden administration’s feeble response to Israel’s killing of a prominent American citizen: he asks the hard questions (why haven’t they been asked before?) that could trigger the withholding of US military aid to Israel.
Tags: leahy law
Netanyahu issues veiled threat of nuclear attack against its “many enemies”
Netanyahu used a visit to an Israeli atomic reactor to warn Iran and others that Israel has the means to destroy them. “Our enemies know very well what Israel is capable of doing.” He said that the weak are slaughtered and erased from history…
As Israel continues to kill children with impunity, urge lawmakers to support H.R. 4391
Israel is targeting and killing children in the Gaza March – with vocal support from its leaders. Encourage your legislator to cosponsor Rep. Betty McCollum’s H.R. 4391, the “Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children.”
Leahy Law would cut aid to Israel, but no one wants to enforce it
Killing of Palestinians is not new. It has been going on for decades, unabated, uncriticized, and bankrolled by the US. The Leahy Laws enable us to withhold aid to countries that commit human such rights abuses, but in spite of overwhelming proof of abuse by Israel, our politicians refuse to cut off military support.