Tags: Censorship

ADL to Build Silicon Valley Center to Monitor & Fight “Cyberhate” [Video]

The ADL is building a “a state-of-the-art command center” to monitor and fight anything online that it determines is “hate,” and says it “will leverage ADL’s long-standing relationships with law enforcement“ in this project. The ADL is known for attacking individuals who criticize Israel as allegedly “anti-Semitic.” Its website states: “ADL has always been a strong voice for Israel…”

Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism in British politics

Avi Shlaim, on Al Jazeera: ‘Israeli propagandists deliberately conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism in order to discredit, bully, and muzzle critics of Israel; in order to suppress free speech; and in order to divert attention from the real issues: Israeli colonialism, Israel’s apartheid, its systematic violation of the human rights of Palestinians, and its denial of their right to independence and statehood. The propagandists persistently present an anti-racist movement (anti-Zionism) as a racist one (anti-Semitism)…’

How war propaganda keeps on killing

Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt repeatedly stated the “fact” of Iraq’s hidden WMD and mocked anyone who doubted it. Even after the U.S. government acknowledged that the WMD allegations were a myth – a classic case of “fake news” – almost no one who had pushed the fabrication was punished. The “fake news” stigma didn’t apply to Hiatt and other journalists who actually did produce “fake news,” even though it led to the deaths of 4,500 U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. To this day, Hiatt remains the Post’s editorial-page editor.