Amira Hass writes in Ha’aretz: ‘How did you destroy villages?’ one daughter will ask. ‘How did you agree to imprison two million people?’ another will whisper. The answers will only make their weeping louder.
Tags: apartheid
The Middle East Is Heating Up – Again: An Interview With Richard Falk
Richard Falk discusses critical Middle East topics, including the legality of Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem, Iran and Trump’s “special relationships” with Israel and Saudi Arabia, the future of Syria, and hope for justice in Israel-Palestine.
At UN Hearing, South African Delegate Decries Israel as “Apartheid State”
South Africans – who should know apartheid when they see it – called out Israel as “the world’s last functioning apartheid state” during a UN hearing this week. They no doubt recalled the words of South African hero, the late Nelson Mandela, who famously said, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”
Forget the ‘slippery slope’ — Israel already is an apartheid state
Three former Israeli prime ministers, a winner of the Israel prize, two former heads of the Israeli internal security service Shin Bet, and one of Israel’s principal newspapers have warned that the Jewish state is becoming, or already is, an apartheid state…
ADL Campus guide describes how to block events about Palestine
A new ADL campus initiative conflates criticism of Israel with “anti-Semitism,” tells students how to block events that support Palestinian rights, & recommends joining student governments to block “anti-Israel” activism. Its head endorses legislation that would make supporting boycotts of Israel punishable by a million dollar fine and 20 years in prison…
Ha’aretz: Visiting West Bank, Richard Gere Compares Hebron to Segregated U.S. South
Ha’aretz reports: American actor Richard Gere, who visited Israel earlier this month to promote his new film, “Norman,” had one analogy to make after touring the West Bank city of Hebron… “It’s exactly what the Old South was in America. Blacks knew where they could go, they could drink from that fountain, they couldn’t go…