Search Results for: lobby list

Book review of Alison Weir’s “Against Our Better Judgment” – by Ziad Hafez

By Ziad Hafez, Contemporary Arab Affairs — This short book is quite powerful and displays historical accounts and analyses supported by a solid documentation showing scholarly knowledge and objective reporting. It is an indispensable tool for any researcher on the root cause of Middle Eastern turmoil, and contains explosive, meticulously documented information about the Zionist movement in the United States, Europe, and Palestine…

In 1976 Nathan Glazer wrote that supporting Israel was against U.S. interests and was largely driven by Jewish Americans

Philip Weiss writes in Mondoweiss that Glazer correctly stated that supporting Israel was counter to U.S. interests and that this support was garnered through pressure from the US Jewish establishment. Weiss writes that the lobby’s success is closely related to the rise of Jews in the establishment, with Jews at the heads of global industries from finance to education to Hollywood to government, media, the Supreme Court…

Cheerleading for Israel: Everyone’s doing it

Philip Giraldi: The neoconservatives, Israel-firsters, hate Trump, having favored Hillary Clinton as president due to their conviction that she would be the more aggressive president. They now believe that if they force Trump out they will return to power, so they continue to pile on. Trump is also being battered by pro-Israel interests on the left. Bernard-Henri Levy warns that Trump is a threat to all American Jews. Why? Because his love for the Jewish people is “insufficient.” Levy explains, “This love is precisely what is required of an American president in dealings affecting Israel.”

Israel partisans make Perez Democratic National Committee chair, defeat Keith Ellison

Haim Saban called Ellison “anti-Israel” and anti-Semitic. The ADL called on Democrats to reject him. Alan Dershowitz said he’d leave the party if Ellison were elected chair; Jack Rosen of the American Jewish Congress, emailed DNC members the day before the vote saying Ellison threatened the U.S.-Israel relationship. Perez, on the other hand, courted pro-Israel activists: “One of the privileges of my life was getting to travel to Israel and meet someone who is one of my heroes, Shimon Peres. Uncle Shimon, to me…”

Elliott Abrams and Gina Haspel – ghastly choices

Americans dodged a bullet when neocon Abrams was denied. He was a founding co-signer of PNAC, led the charge to invade Iraq after calling for “regime change,” and has endorsed military interventions in Libya, Syria, and as Iran. He called Chuck Hagel an “anti-Semite” because Hagel had criticized Israel. Gina Haspel, new CIA Deputy Director, was reportedly involved in the torture programs. In 2005 she ordered the destruction of the video tapes made of the interrogations…